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Are you fucking kidding me?! He was just messing with me? "You were just messing with me?"

"Yeah." Renji looked at the floor. He is ashamed that he touched me. Is this his idea of a game? Well I can play along too.

"Oh good!" I forced some laughter out of me. "For awhile there I had thought that you liked me!" I laughed again.

"Hehe. Yeah I'm glad you're relived. I wouldn't want you to get any wrong ideas."

"Still that's a little far for a joke. Next time keep it practical."

He looked at me kind of funny,"Okay, sounds good."

Why would he go this far? Is it because he is a demon? No wonder we are natural enemies. He is despicable. "You know what? I think we shouldn't be friends anymore. There is obviously a reason why angels and demons are enemies and I think we should respect that."

Renji looked at me shocked. I couldn't look at him so I turned away. He never answered me. I got up after what felt like an eternity(it was only five minutes) and began walking towards the door. He didn't stop me. Tell me not to leave and I won't. Tell me to stay and I will. Don't just let me leave! Do I even mean anything to you!? Was it all a trick? The friendship? Last night? Everything you ever said to me?  Just before I left, I looked over at Renji. He had not moved at all and was just looking at me. He had no exasperation on his face. I felt my heart break when I shut the door on him. Do I mean that little to him that he would just watch as I left? Hot tears slid down my cheeks as I drove away. It was only noon and I didn't want to go home so I randomly drove around. All the while I was thinking about Renji.

Why do I even care about our friendship so much? We barely even know each over. Plus most of the time all he did was make fun of me. Maybe it's because he was my only friend in this God forsaken town. This hurts. He is so cruel! I can't believe I EVER considered him a friend!.... I HATE HIM!!!... I HATE him!!... I hate... him... I pulled over on the side of the road and just broke down. After a couple hours had passed I went home.

"I'm home." I yelled into the house.

"How was your friends house?" I heard my mom yell to me.

"Good. It was really boring there though. I don't think I will stay the night there again." I didn't feel like explaining anything to her. It would just make her worried about me.

"Oh. Well they can always come here if they want."

"Cool. I let them know that." No I will not.

"Okay dear." I walked up the stairs and into my room. Flopping down on my bed, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. No new messages. Damn, I need to talk to someone about this. I know that me and my old friends have lost touch but maybe I should text one of them. I pulled up my contacts list. Looking at all the names I saw one that stood out. Mikara. Sure she was an ex but she is still my best friend. I quickly sent her a text.


°Heyy it's been forever. How is your new school?

°Good. Sorry for not keeping in touch. A lot has happen.

°What's wrong

°Nothing really... it's just that I have this friend but something happen last night. Now I don't know what to do.

°Ohh... I'm sorry is there anyway for me to help?

°I just want someone to talk to right now

°Can I call you

We ended up talking until six,. that's when my mom called me down for dinner. I had explained everything that happen to her but I left all of the supernatural stuff out. Mikara told me that it was normal to feel the way I was. She said that what if was feeling was betrayed and rejected. She thinks Renji is a girl because I would always say Renji this and Renji that, never using he. I didn't do that on purpose it had just happened like that. After dinner I went back up to my room. I decided that I was going to play some video games. About an hour into my gaming, my phone went off. Pausing my game I checked it thinking it was Mikara. It was from Renji.

°You left your wallet here. Want me to bring it to you or you can come pick it up. Doesn't matter

What should I do? I don't want to see him again so soon after what happen. Why is he acting like this? He doesn't know where I live so it's not like he can drop it off. Guess I'll go get it real quick.

°I'll pick it up be there in a min

I headed out the door and to my car. Getting in, I backed out the driveway and headed towards Renji's house. It didn't take long to get there but once I did, I immediately wanted to turn back but I didn't. I walked up to the door abd knocked. He took his sweet time to answer it but he had the wallet in hand. I grabbed it, said thank you, and began walking back to my car.

"Wait!" He yelled at me. I stopped and looked at him. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry things didn't work out between us." With that he closed his door.

What the hell was that? First he is mean then he becomes nice then he is an ass and now he is apologizing. God this guy is so unpredictable! I don't know whether to forgive him or be even more pissed. What is he thinking? Has he gone crazy?

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