Happy Birthday!

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I've been here a month now and Renji has been right, no one will talk to me. Although Renji has been a lot nicer. He still calls me Benny Boo but he doesn't make fun of me anymore. Atleast I have one friend.

"Hey!" I turned around to see Renji yelling at me. "Wait up!" I stopped walking to my car and waited for him. He caught up to me in no time. "I was gonna ask it you wanted to spend the night at my place tonight."

"Whaat? Like for real?"

He smiled, "Yeah of course for real. So you wanna?"

"Yeah!" Wow this is amazing. I never knew that Renji could be this nice.

"Cool, let's head over there now." He started to walk away.

"Wait. What am I suppose to do with my car?"

"Ohh... I guess we can take that." We got in and he gave me the directions to his house. He lived all the way out of town, it would have taken an hour to get there by foot! This guy is crazy!!

"This driveway." He pointed to an empty driveway.

"Okay." I pulled into it and we got out of the car. We went into his house and he showed me all the rooms At the end of the tour we went back to his room. "So where is your parents room? And why is there an empty room?"

"My parents don't live here and it's for if I ever get a roommate."

"You live by yourself?!"

"Yeah. I am 18."

"What! But you're a junior."

"Well how old are you?"

"17. I turn 18 in the summer. "

"I turned 18 about two months before you came here."

"Ohh.... well happy late birthday."

"Thank you. What did you get me for my birthday?" Renji started to get an evil grin in his face.

"I didn't know that I was suppose to get you something, sorry." I said, playing along.

"That's okay." He leaned into me so that his face was less then an inch from mine, "I'll take a kiss as a present." My face felt hot and I began freaking out. What is Renji talking about? How am I going to get out of this?

"B-but we are both guys.  What are you talking about Renji? " I tried backing up but that was impossible. Renji had forced himself on top of me and I was completely at his will. He leaned in close to me again.

"You act like I care about the fact that you are also a male." With that he kissed me. I was so shocked that I didn't even try to stop him. When he pulled back up, he had a huge smile on his face.

"Uhh.... I should go home now."

"But the fun was just starting." I swear as he said that, his eyes light up. Literally! They went from semi-bright red to almost glowing!

"W-whaa..." he kissed me again. This time I shoved him off of me. He looked down on me. I think he could see the fear in my eyes and he was loving it.

"Is this anyway to thank me for being your friend?" Renji licked his lips seductively. What the hell is happening? He leaned in again. Move! Throw him off of you! I couldn't though. I was stuck. He took my hand and placed it on his heart. "Say you will do anything I command you to."

Just do it if it means that you can get out of here alive. "I will do anything that you command me to."

Smiling he kissed me one more time and then got off of me. I sat up and just stared at him. What is with this guy? Is he really my only friend in this town?

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