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Strapped and chained to a chair wasn't particularly what I had in mind for today. My dad had just got murdered in cold blood right in the other room and now the murderers were going to beat me to a pulp.

However, the ache in my heart didn't go unnoticed. I didn't know that I would still hurt this much after his death. I thought it would be painless as he wasn't there for me much during my life.

"You don't speak much do you?" Mr Meat spoke, tending his newly bruised eye. "Quite delightful actually."

"My dad just got murdered by you lot," I chuckled bitterly. "You think I would want to chat with a woeful sod who was involved. You must be out of your mind."

Mr Meat stomped towards me, which made me cower in my seat. He then proceeded to hold his eye whilst he pointed a stubby finger at my face, "You better be thankful that we're going to drop your sorry ass back home."

"You don't get it do you?" I yelled more than asked as I threw my arms out in rage. "That house was mine and my dad's. Going back there is stupid, all it's going to do is plague my mind with images of my dad getting brutally murdered!"

I was seething. These men were such idiots.

"What an angel," he mumbled before snorting. "Doll, we're sending you back home. We killed both of your parents, why do you think we care about your well-being?"

"Who said I thought that, huh? I was just saying that you are all idiots. You have no brains!" I argued back with narrowed eyes.

I watched as his jaw clenched and his fists curled, making two balls that looked dangerous for the face. To my face to be more specific.

"Girl, you have a lot to learn," he spat viciously before he left the room to go do some 'business'. He probably went out for a smoke because I saw that his fingers were twitchy.

Storming into the room, a brooding man appeared in my vision. He looked familiar, but I didn't know where I had seen him from.

"As you know Miss Owens, we needed money. But unfortunately, your scum of a father couldn't pay up," his chilling voice spoke. "With your father's oh sad demise, I am willing to decrease the money your family have to pay me."

I froze in my seat. My whole body tensed up in fear as this guy, who seemed to be the leader from his authoritative stand, was trying to make an agreement with me. I couldn't believe my ears. He still wanted me to pay money after all of the pain he caused me. Unbelievable.

"Sir, let me get this straight, you still want me to pay you money," I cried out with shaking hands due to how angry I was. "I have nothing to do with this."

The man grabbed my throat, but didn't squeeze it. He leant near my face and harshly said, "Be careful who you speak to."

He stayed there for a few seconds and then backed off. Before he left my stunned self, he growled out a sentence that left me rooted to my spot.

"And stay away from my family, they don't need low-lives, like yourself, around them."

With that, he stormed out of the room, leaving a tense and eerie atmosphere. The last few words that he had brutally spat had bewildered me. I was utterly speechless. I didn't know who his family was so he must have gotten me mistaken for another one of his poor victims.

Once I struggled one more last time on the seat, I began to feel sleepy. I hadn't slept properly in days because I was anxious about meeting the new supply teacher for Mason and I.

The teacher turned out to be Mr Redford, which was something to be terrified about. The thing that kept swimming in my mind was if Mr Redford would continue to work in the school. I bet he would just to see me squirm every time he appeared around a corner.

That was the last thought that entered into my brain before something hard hit the back of my head, knocking me out cold.

"Just drop her onto the floor," a voice yelled sharply. "We don't have time."

The power of this person was evident in his voice. I would have tensed if it weren't for me being held by someone. You're a spy, Leia. Haha wouldn't your mother be proud?

A feeling of misery wavered over me. Thinking of my mother still tore me apart inside. It almost wasn't healthy.

Another feeling of pain on my back notified me that I had been dropped. Not on accident, but on purpose. They obviously didn't care about my body's feelings because now I was going to have a gigantic bruise on my back. I could feel my body screaming at me now. Yay now I couldn't wear backless dresses woo.

I probably spent about half an hour on the floor before I got up onto my feet. I felt like a baby lamb learning how to walk as I proceeded to limp over to my living room. My ribs still ached and my back, shoulders and arms were most likely bruised. My arm that was hurting badly was probably fractured, but what hurt the most wasn't a limb.

It was an organ. Not physically otherwise it would be life-threatening, but emotionally. It was a pain that wouldn't just go away with some medication. It needed time. Maybe even someone else to help heal it. No matter how hard I tried to deny it, I was officially broken. I had no-one left. No-one to run to when I was feeling distressed. No-one to laugh with about childhood memories.

If I had just sucked it up and made friends when I was little, I would still be able to laugh with someone and run to them when I was feeling upset.

But speaking wasn't my strong point. And it never would be.

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