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A few years later...

"Grace, get out of the washing machine!" I yelled towards my cheeky three year old daughter who was the spitting image of her father.

Right now, Grace was hiding in the washing machine amongst all of the dirty clothes. However, even though she was being naughty, I couldn't be stern with her. My daughter was just too adorable.

Picking her up and taking her out of the washing machine, the front door began to slam shut, indicating that someone was in the house.

"Where are my two lovely girls then?" A familiar voice called out, making Grace try to escape from my grasp.

"Daddy!" Grace squealed as I carefully placed her on the floor.

Grace started to clap with her small chubby hands whilst I opened the door for us to go greet my husband.

Once the door was open, Grace sprinted with her little legs all the way up to the front door. Following her, I smiled at the sight I saw.

My daughter was being held up in the air by her crazy father who looked exhausted. Waddling over to them, I glanced over at the bags in his hands.

I shook my head when I realised what could be in those bags. Grace loved snacking on strawberry fruit flakes and Mason, being the 'favourite parent', would always buy her a packet every day after work. She just had Mason wrapped around her small finger.

"How's my gorgeous wife and baby boy?" Mason asked, settling Grace down onto the soft carpet.

"Drained. He's been kicking all day and Grace likes to play hide and seek around the house," I mumbled, waddling over to Mason so that I could give him a kiss and a hug.

Wrapping me up in a hug, Mason began rubbing the visible bump through my long shirt. Crouching down to be eye level to my belly, he pressed a small kiss to it and began speaking.

"You've got to stop being a pain to mummy. Daddy doesn't like seeing mummy distressed," he whispered. "But I know you can't help it. She is damn right annoying."

Whacking his head painfully with my hand, I stomped to the kitchen as Mason chuckled along with Grace's light giggles. I loved my little family.

Ding dong!

I hadn't invited anyone to come over, so who was it?

"Leia!" Ashley called out, sliding into the kitchen along with Abby and Sara

"How's my baby nephew doing?" Sara cried out, rushing over to the bump.

Ashley and Abby soon ran over to it too without a single word my way.

"Oh thanks guys. I'm well," I muttered irritatedly. "How are you all?"

Stepping back, Ashley sprung to my side, "Sorry about not visiting sooner. I was very busy. Can you believe that 5 patients of mine all had fractures in the leg? I mean what do people do to get that?"

"I do not doubt that. People are crazy these days."

"I haven't broken any bones yet!" Ashley commented. "Some of those patients were even young kids around 9-10 years old."

"Woah, why do their parents allow them to do such activities that could get them severly injured?" I wondered. "It really blows my mind at how careless parents can be sometimes. I would never allow Grace to take part in figure skating. Maybe when she's​ a lot older but 9 would definitely too young."

"I guess parents want their children to be skillful at a young age," Ashley shrugged.

"They have their whole lifetime to be skillful," I responded. "Let the kids do skipping or hopscotch."

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