Breakfast interrupted

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I don't remember going to bed. In fact, last thing I remember is sitting on the bathroom floor.

How did I get in the bed?

I stretch out and look around. everything looks the same and still there is no way for me to tell what time it is.

Seriously, that is driving me crazy and I am not even sure why. I kick my legs over the side of the bed, ready to get today over with.

I jump back in bed with a yelp and look at the floor in surprise. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were down there!"

Reed lays on the ground curled into a ball of pain. I'm not sure where I stepped, but based on where he is holding, I will hope he can still have pups.

"I didn't know you were there. Do you need Ice or something?"

He groans out a no and I don't know what I am supposed to do. I have never been hit in the 'family jewels' or so I have heard them referenced as.

I sit there a few minutes longer before standing slowly and walking into the bathroom. I run some water on my face and run my fingers through my hair. I still look like a mess, but at least I will be going home today.

"Aspen?" Reed's voice snaps me out of my reverie with a small shiver to my spine.

I open the door slowly, only to come face to face with a very chiseled chest. I can feel my mouth pop open slightly as my eyes glaze over each dent and curve of the muscle.

I bet that they would feel amazing on our body, with him over us Rose growls in approval.

Rose, you horny wolf!

Your point is...?

Dammit, she has me there! I lift my gaze up his chest slowly and finally see a smug looking Reed looking at me. My face immediately turns beet red and I glance away.

"Darling, this is all yours, don't be ashamed to look." As impossible as I thought it was, I blushed even more.

Deep down, it's a lie. I have a mate, Jackson. I don't know what is going on, but I did feel the sparks with him too. Maybe the necklace wants me to pick a mate?

I don't need to be told, I know that isn't true either.

"Gage is downstairs making breakfast. I am just going to shower real quick if you want to head down?" His arms twitches like he wants to touch me, but I can tell he is fighting the urge.

I nod in response walking past him and out the room. I don't know the house well, so I just follow the smell of French toast wafting through the house.

"Good Morning, Luna" Gage is putting the bread in the batter and laying it gently on the heated pan, a small stack already sitting on the counter.

"I'm not your Luna." I stand awkwardly at the archway, not sure what to do.

"You are the mate of my Alpha, therefore you will be my Luna." he gestures for me to sit, and I do willingly.

He places a few pieces of French toast on a plate and pushes it in front of me. I grab the maple syrup and pour some on the bread with a small smile. It smells delicious.

"Thank you for breakfast. But I already met my mate. There has to be some kind of mistake."

"Does your other mate make you feel like Reed does?"

I look down at my plate, unsure how to answer. I only spent like an hour total with Jackson, I don't know. Sensing my confusion or maybe thinking I was uncomfortable with the question, Gage changed the subject.

"Your pack should be here within the next two hours."

A smile forms on my lips. I will feel so much better seeing then and knowing they are safe.

Before I can respond, a loud siren blasts through the house.

I jump at the sudden noise and Gage drops the spatula, quickly turning the flame off the stove.

Footsteps thunder through the house and soon a frantic, half dressed, Reed rushes into the kitchen. 

In an instant, he has me in his arms pulling me towards the back door.

"What's going on?" Reed doesn't look at me, his hair still damp from his shower as we cross the backyard.

"We are being attacked. I need to get you to the bunker and -"

Two nasty looking wolves jump in our way.  Their fur knotted and mangled with dirt, leaves and what i think is dried blood. 

They snap viciously at us and Reed wraps his arm around me, effectively pulling me behind him. 

Reed sends a warning growl, that even in his human form, is downright terrifying. But these wolves seem unaffected.

Before they can take another step, Reed shifts into a huge grey wolf. Easily standing taller than me on all fours. 

The wolves attack and Reed fights them both, not allowing them to advance anywhere near me. 

Every snap at his wolf,  my heart beat increases with worry, 

We can't let our mate get hurt! Rose is practically pushing to get out, and I am shaking slightly. 

My gaze snaps behind the fight,  where I see two more wolves looking for an opportunity to join. 

The minute they start moving forward I jump and shift in mid air. Landing in front of them with a vicious growl of my own.

I get into a defensive stance but the wolves eyes widen at me. 

Were they not expecting a she-wolf to interfere? That's sexist.

A howl sounds from somewhere in front of me.  It sounded close,  but as I scan the trees, I can't find the wolf who made the call.

The fighting seems to stop,  and the wolves Reed and I were faced with,  run off. 

Reed runs over to me and circles around me.

I hope my fur looks OK.  I roll my eyes at Rose as she stands up straighter.

Reed's wolf tail brushes along my body before he trots over to a tree.  He steps back out in a pair of black basketball shorts. 

I am beginning to think he doesn't own any shirts. 

"You're beautiful." Rose purrs in approval as he runs his hand through her fur.

She nuzzles her head against his chest, causing him to chuckle and kiss her wolfy cheek. 

"I've never seen jewelry that doesn't break during the shift." his eyes are looking at something on my neck.

I forgot about the necklace!

He reaches his hand out to grab it and I panic, snapping at his hand.

He stares at me in surprise,  but before he can respond, another howl sounds through the air.

Immediately I respond to the howl. I would know that call anywhere.

My pack is here. 

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