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I don't know what surprises me more. Dylan having a nice room that was actually clean or the sight of him looking wholly broken sitting next to the bed where Jaclyn lay.

He didn't even flinch when Reed and I entered the room. I wouldn't be surprised if Asher had mind-linked him that we were coming, I mean that would explain the door being open. But there is something in the way that he is staring at Jaclyn that tells me he probably didn't hear us come in.

His shoulders are slouched and I wonder if I have ever seen a more broken-looking man in all my life. A light blue color, different from Ian's, emanating from his skin.

Mate. Rose says so strongly that it makes me falter in my steps.

Paranoia setting in that the drama I had fought so hard to get out of, was starting again. But then my eyes fall on Jaclyn. Her skin pale except for the nasty red marks mare the flesh and the same shade of blue around her that Dylan has.

It's like a lightbulb went off in my head. The colors are all different for my dad, Ian, and Asher. Yet Reed and I have the same white glow just as Dylan and Jaclyn have the same blue glow. The colors correlate to your mate. That's why they are different shades because everyone has a different mate.

I want to jump excitedly into Reed's arms and tell him my theory, but Jaclyn's blue glow is fading. Cracks appearing in the color and it's growing weaker by the minute.

Go to her. Rose encourages, but when I don't move fast enough, she pushes me back and takes control.

It's like being in the passenger seat of a car. I can see everything that is happening around me, but I have no control of the steering wheel.

"Do you regret it?" I notice Reed turn to face me quickly, probably noting the change in my voice.

Does he realize that it's my wolf in control and not me? I can see his eyes scrutinizing me like he is trying to determine if this is another side effect of the locket or not. Either way, later we will have a lot to discuss and I don't have time to deal with his inquisitions now.

Dylan's hold on Jaclyn's hand tightens, but he still doesn't turn to look at me. I can see the tears rolling down his cheeks, leaving small puddles to soak into the fabric of his shirt. It's a stark contrast to the Dylan that I manhandled only a day or two ago.

After how he reacted when they found each other, I never thought I'd see this sight from him. Never thought he would care all that much for her, but looking at the crumbling man before me, I'm at a loss for words.

I don't know why Rose asked him that and a part of me hates that she did. It's a rude thing to ask, especially given the situation and yet, I'm waiting with bated breath for his answer.

I need to know if this is all some act so that no one thinks less about the beta that rejected his mate. If he really feels remorse for what's happened, but even I know that true emotion like this would be hard to fake.

But Dylan doesn't answer. The only indication that he even heard us, is the tears the move faster than before down his cheeks.

"Who knows what could have changed had you only given her a chance." even I am shocked at the words Rose is saying but she just presses on, ignoring the way that Dylan froze in place.

"Perhaps she wouldn't have been so eager to join the fight. Perhaps she would have been more careful had she had a mate that was waiting for her. A mate that she knew would accept her despite the past she had no choice in hav-" Rose was growling by the time she was cut of by Dylan's angry roar.

"I REGRET EVERYTHING!" his chair tips over with the force he caused when he stood to fast.

Reed makes a move to step in front of me but Rose won't let him. She knows that we don't need protection, we are more than capable of handling ourselves.

I know we won't need to defend ourselves from Dylan because only seconds after his outburst, a sob breaks through his lips. His entire face shifting back to utter heartbreak as he collapses to his knees looking at Jaclyn.

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry!" he says to her before his eyes move to mine, "I regret every second of it. I was just so heartbroken at that moment that I didn't think, I just reacted."

Rose took another step forward, stopping just at the other end of the bed. I could still see Dylan shaking on the floor as sobs wrack through his body, guttural noises leaving his lips with abandon.

"I believe him." Reed's voice is deeper than usual and without having to look at him, I know that Dash has taken control.

Why? I'm not entirely sure, but then, I don't know why Rose has taken control of me.

"You don't deserve her," Rose says as something begins to build inside of me, like a volcano ready to explode. It's not painful, but it's a pressure that I can't explain making it feel like my skin is too tight.

The white glow from both Reed and I grow stronger, illuminating the entirety of the room in the soft moonlight glow. Rose leans down, trailing our hand gently over Jaclyn's hair.

"Thank you for all that you have done," she whispers before pressing a soft kiss to Jaclyn's forehead.

The white glow begins to dim down and Rose turns to face Dylan. I would laugh at his dumbstruck expression if I was in control, but Rose just looks to him in indifference.

"A second chance that she deserves. Don't screw it up." with that final word, Rose pulls back and throws me back into the driver's seat.

It's a stunned silence as all of us take in what happened, no one knowing what to make of it. It's almost like time stopped and everyone is frozen where they are. But when Jaclyn takes a deep breath, stirring in her sleep, time begins again.

Dylan is quick to his feet, one hand grasping Jaclyn's hand and the other stroking her cheek gently. The blue glow slowly getting stronger as Reed circles his arms around my waist.

"Dash is certain she is going to be okay, but he is really pissed that you are parading around in nothing but a robe." his breath fans my ear before pressing a soft kiss to the exposed skin there.

I stifle the giggle that threatens to escape my lips and with one last look at Jaclyn, who is already looking fifteen times better, I pull Reed from the room so that we can get ready to leave.

I know we should talk about whatever the hell just happened and everything else from today, but there it's nothing that we have to solve here.

We can solve it all at home.

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