Why so eager?

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Little red flags immediately went up in my mind. He just learned of the locket and is already trying to mate with me? I pushed Rose back and took control.

"Excuse me?" I say, pulling my hand from his tingly grasp.

"What?" Reed asks confused.

"Don't I get a say in when we mate?"

"That's my girl." my dad says proudly.

My cheeks flame when I realize that we aren't alone but in the office still. I shift awkwardly, avoiding everyone gaze. I can feel Reed's stare burning a hole in the side of my face.

"Gage, why don't we help you with your research?" My mom says, pushing everyone out the door.

"Use protection, I don't want to be an Uncle yet." Gage whispers just loud enough for us to hear as he walks by.

I glare angrily after him.

Karma's a bitch, Gage.  I think and Rose laughs in agreement.

"What was that?" Reed asks pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You tell me?"

Reed looks at me like I have grown three heads. I stand in front of him with my arms crossed over my chest and eyebrows raised. Every time he reaches for me, I move away and give him my best glare.

It really shouldn't be this hard to figure out that I am mad. What do I need to make a sign that says 'Hey, I am mad at you' ?

"I really have no idea what is going on here..." He trails off and I swear if I was a dragon, I would be breathing fire.

"To see if there is a power to unlock" I try to mimic his voice, but it really was a horrible interpretation. I even through in the wink, but now I am regretting that.

His eyes narrow at me, but the same little smirk stays plastered on his face.

"I'm sorry that I said that in front of your family, but we're mates. Like it or not, they know what mates do." my eyes widen slightly and my arms flap down to my side in frustration.

Seriously?! Does he not get it?

He is as new to us, as we are to him. He might not be able to tell we are mad.  Rose adds, defending him a little. I scoff.

"OH.MY.GODDESS! I am not mad that you said that in front of them! Embarrassed? Yes. Mad? No." My voice raised a little...Okay fine it raised a lot, as I yelled at him.

I ran my hands down my face in frustration, trying to focus on controlling my breathing. Rose is right. He obviously doesn't understand this from my prospective and I can't make him. I have to show him or at least explain it a few times before he (hopefully) gets it.

"I tell you what I know about the locket I wear, and without asking questions you are suddenly so eager to mate with me. Why?"

"You're my mate." he says in a 'duh' tone.

"Or is it the possibility of having some power that we know nothing about?" I snap at him, rolling my lips in between my teeth.

Neither of us speaks for an entire minute. When the silence continues, my heart drops.

He only wants us for the power. I whisper to Rose.

No, it can't be true

Then why isn't he denying it? Why isn't he saying anything?  She only responds with a whimper as she retreats to the back of my mind.

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