Same old song and dance

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I hug Asher, pretending to ignore the small growl from behind me. However, I can't ignore the feel of Reeds' hands on my hips as he moves next to me and starts pulling me away.

Protective Alpha.

"Take care, Alpha Asher. Thank you for finding my mate and for all you have done," Reed offers his hand to Asher as soon as I pull away, "If you need anything, just call and in the meantime, I'll send over the alliance paperwork."

Asher nods, his gaze flitting between me and Reed.

"Thank you both. and I know that Dylan and Jaclyn would want me to thank you for them too," He moves his gaze towards a window on his packhouse as if he could see through the walls to his beta couple.

"Please have Jaclyn call me when she's feeling better," I reach to give Asher another hug even though I'm not sure why, but Reed pulls me back.

"Mine," Dash glares at Asher, who puts his hands up in surrender while laughing.

I can tell the minute Reed assumes control because he shakes his head before kissing my cheek and moving to open the car door for me.

"Take care of Jaclyn, Please. She deserves a good life and I will not hesitate to come back here and kick a beta's ass." Asher nods in understanding, not at all threatened by me.

But then again why would he be, it's not his ass on the line, it's Dylans.

I slide into the back seat of the car, scooching over so that Reed can slide in next to me.

My hand instantly twines with his. My head rests on his shoulder and I feel him press a kiss to the top of my head. Everything has lead me to him and all though I wish there were some parts I could change, he's the outcome I want every time.

My body hums with new energy as we begin our journey home. It feels like it's been forever since I've been home and I can't wait for this drive to be over.

My eyes shift forward just in time to catch the look my dad gives Reed in the rearview mirror.

He shifts uncomfortably against me and I can't help but laugh into his shoulder. His fingers tighten against mine and it just serves to make me laugh harder.

I don't know why it's funny. I mean it's an awkward car ride for me too. My dad knows that I have mated with my mate and even though it's something natural that happens with mated pairs, it's not something that fathers and daughters talk about.

"Hey, Penny," Ian's voice breaks me out of my giggle fit as he turns to face me from the front passenger seat.

He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, a sympathetic look on his face as he clears his throat.

"First, I would like to apologize. Jenna knows..." he trails off, his eyes speaking for him as his gaze travels between me and Reed.

My dad's knuckles whiten as he grips the steering wheel a little tighter. Once again, Reed shifts uncomfortably in his seat, shooting a glare at Ian.

Seriously, I don't know why I find this whole situation so funny. Maybe because the last couple of days have been so tense and now it's finally a little more relaxed?

Or maybe because I somewhat enjoy watching Reed, the big bad Shadow wolves Alpha squirm under my father's gaze.

Either way, I suppress another laugh and nod to Ian.

"I honestly figured you'd tell her since she's your mate, but thanks for the heads up," I laugh a little as I watch Ian nod absently.

"Yeah, she's been bugging me every fifteen minutes for updates. I love her, but it's annoying, so I had to give her something," Ian shrugs with a smile.

I laugh lightly knowing that he is probably right. If I know Jenna like I think I do, there is no keeping a secret from her anyway.

Especially with everything that's happened. But I don't mind that she knows and I'm probably heading into a firing squad and will be bombarded with questions the minute she sniffs me out.

But I don't mind. I have my mate by my side and I'm finally going home.

I know we still have things to deal with, like Jackson and whatever this power is, but the worst is behind us.

Despite the odds, we've survived and everything else, we will figure out together as it comes.

Ian shifts in his seat and scratches the back of his head, looking deep in thought.

I've known Ian for a long time. I've learned his mannerisms and tells, and right now, I can tell there is something else he wants to say.

"Ian?" I motion for him to say whatever it is that he wants to say.

"Before we get home..." He trails off, clearly a little uncomfortable with whatever is on his mind and when his eyes meet mine, it's a pleading look that has me worried.

"I mean, It's just that Reed is an Alpha and you're the next Alpha but the territories are too far apart for you to run both effectively," he clears his throat, "I just wondered if you could give me a heads up on which pack you and Reed will be moving too. I need to prepare Jenna."

I can feel the color draining from my face and my eyes widened. I remember now when I was angry with Reed about this same subject. Everything had happened with the locket and Jaclyn but I remember now that I was angry.

"They'll run Moonstone," my dad says, breaking his silence at the same time Reed says "Shadow Wolves."

The tension in the car thickens instantly and Ian's eyes widened, realizing exactly what he's done. But I don't say anything, unsure even what I would want to say. My grip on Reed's hand loosens as my mind reels.

"With all due respect, I was born and bred to be the Shadow Wolves Alpha," Reed says his grip tightening in my own, refusing to let it go.

"With all due respect," my father growls, trying to contain himself as he continues driving, "Aspen was born and bred for Moonstone."

My hand finally escapes Reed's hold and emptiness floods through me, my body missing his warmth and comfort. I could feel his gaze snap to me the second our hands disconnected but it's hard to think when we're touching.

I could feel his eyes on the side of my face as I watched the trees go by us. His gaze practically burning a hole in my head, but I couldn't look at him. I could feel him in my head trying to connect with me, but I kept him blocked. I could practically feel the frustration rolling off of him, but I won't make promises I don't mean and I can't just accept that he just decided this for us.

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