Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Opportunities come and go in life. There are so many things which are inconsistent, which never come again. But then you should grab them, as Grandfather always said. Maybe I should, maybe I should live for myself instead of endlessly hoping. But maybe I am not brave enough.

December the fourth 1796, London England

The year of our lord

Diary of William Blake

Katherine tossed, the heat of the room got to her and she removed her bedspreads and squeezed her eyes shut. Her dreams no longer comforted her, in this new place it seemed to her as they had left her to fend for herself. She had slept in a black void and she had not relaxed that night.

"I still can't sleep." She complained and started to pace around her room. She looked at her candle, it was now put out and she wished she had done it in the first place.

She had never felt so alone. Never felt so scared. Maybe it was the fact she was in a new place, maybe it was her new master. Master William Blake, a man with warm blue eyes and a commanding tone. Maybe he wanted it, he wanted her fear. It was expected of the man who was so kind to her, but had bought her from a slave auction.

It was just before sunrise, it was a wavering dark and unsure grey skies were the vision before her eyes. She looked using her petit window to the grand world in front of her; it wasn’t that bad she tried to convince herself. But the solitude was too much and she needed to see something before she began another straight laced day.

Katherine decided on some air. He wouldn't get to her. He wouldn't break her down; she vouched as she dug into her trunk for a shawl. Finding a brown shawl she tiptoed- barefoot to the kitchen garden. 

She knew she wouldn't find him there and she decided she would enjoy the privacy for as long as she could. It was a small garden, meant for the staff to grow the items they needed for work it was purposeful. However, she admitted the flowers potted around were beautiful and the small fence made her feel protected.

Sitting down on the hill on it she looked towards the town. She could see the, just faintly, sea and wondered how it would feel to swim in it. Her mother had told her of Africa and how you could sleep in the water it was so relaxing. The green grass on the hill was dry enough and it was another constant reminder that she could never swim in the sea.

She, never been given the opportunity focused on the opposite of the cooling of the sea. The liquid which allowed you to feel touched, loved, held in every stroke. She had chosen to love Heat. 

But precisely, Katherine had found her peace with the sunset and the fire it held within. The sun, a great ball of heat which she could find comfort that her brother, if he was alive, was looking at the same thing. They had promised they would watch it at sunset every day and even if she couldn't, she would do it as soon as possible.

Now as the breeze tickled her neck, she sighed before focusing on the uncertainty ahead. She was right. She would have to keep him happy for now, but she had failed and he wouldn’t trust her any further to do anything else, she would never leave this home. Sighing again in defeat she thought of how she would escape.

The only humans she saw were her 'owner' and his guests from the other day. The only other evidence she had of other humans were the daily noises she had heard these past two days. She very much doubted they would help her; probably they would pretend to help and then abandon her and reap the rewards. 

Well there was Luis, but the child was too young and fiercely loyal to William. There were village children who brought the food but she had never seen them. She wished she could, children had this ignorance which she could pretend. Even if briefly, was her own. Instead she had to face reality and the fact that until she formed a better escape plan, she was stuck here.

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