Chapter 15

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Dedication: A new authoress (in my world that is a word) on Wattpad who deserves some recognition, her book is just starting off but its really good and I would recommend her. She writes modern day fiction (mystery/ suspense and romance) so if you want to escape from the 18th century, an excellent choice.

Chapter 15:

Katherine went down to the garden. It was early so she hoped to avoid everyone, maybe see a glimpse of something special before she went back to work. To lift her spirits up, she felt so alone. Sitting down in the same place she always did she gazed at the cloudy sky.

She had been asleep all day yesterday, and only ate the plates of food which were brought to her rather than going to the kitchen. They were large, and she was quite full. Even now, she felt constipated and she wished for something to sooth her aching head.


"Master Blake?"

"I guess." He looked down at the grass and sat down next to her. "Katherine, may I ask you something?"

"Y-Yes of course sir," She felt different around him. Like she was a normal person that could achieve something, say something that included her opinion, she loved using her mind to think. The fact he was asking her rather than just ordering her was an achievement in itself.

But then, yesterday, she couldn't just stop thinking about what had happened. This was for the best for them both, to avoid him, to make sure she didn't hurt him. He didn't deserve her ruining his career, who would take a paralyzed entrepreneur seriously? They couldn't even take able bodied black people seriously.

Such a small world, in which people could only judge on pitiful things, no one was safe from the terror that was fear. The slaves feared their masters, the poor feared their employers and the rich feared them both. Katherine knew, deep down only money could keep her safe, but God would save her. Maybe one day, she would be worthy of love.

"Who use to own you?"

She was quiet. She then looked at the bruise on her arm, gently running her hand over the fading mark. He blamed her, she thought,  if she went out with him of course she would be the problem.

"Please trust me; I wouldn't do anything to harm you. It's just... He didn't want to stress her out but he took a deep breath and looked away from her face. There have been rumors of a runaway, there have been no official posters but they may come soon."

"Aaron Watson, he used to own me and my mother, until I ran away and was caught."

William nodded and stroked his beard. He looked at Katherine who now looked severely uncomfortable.  He was scared, Aaron Watson- that bastard, one of the largest successful scumbags in the country. He was one of the successful American stories, who decided to live in London, and probably close to William's home.

"You didn't come from the Americas?"

"N-No sir, I have lived here all my life. Unlike my mother, she came from America." William watched her as she spoke quietly.

William took her hands which were trembling and warmed them up with his own. It wasn't her he was looking for, she had been born here but he was still nervous. "And, what of your father's origin?"

"I do not know they were separated, as many slaves are, sir." She smiled sadly and restrained the tears which were tempting to fall.

William thought for several moments. That did not match up to the description being gossiped about. Thank God. "Okay, I don't think it's you."

"Yes sir,"

She looked at his face and he gazed into hers. His eyes speaking for him, blue eyed and with a small crinkle as he smiled reassuringly at her. She smiled back but felt weak all over again. She wanted to stay here, in safety, but she knew she wasn't his to have.

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