Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Christmas day

The snow was settled on the ground, the lack of decorations were ignored by those around the house, the carolling before mass had begun. William could hear it from his study, but paid no attention to the Welsh carols echoing into his room. To him, Yule felt empty. He would do his due to Christ, and then spend the evening at Lester’s, and then returning to the chapel till the next morning. There was nothing else to celebrate in his life, even if his finical power was souring.

Luis sat across him swinging his legs, holding the gift he had for William and Katherine in his lap. He fidgeted with the blanket his mother had made for them, but used it to wrap it around his cool fingers. William had told him to hold it until she arrived, so he did. Luis couldn’t wait till she did; he wanted to see her face beam.

William finished writing the letter. Then he sighed, and stared as the ink dried slowly on the page. The black ink trickled a little on the cream page, but William watched it with no opinion towards his work being ruined. He sealed it, and whilst Luis waited patiently for Katherine to bring him his cookies, he finished his other correspondences.

“Where’s Miss Katherine?”

“I don’t know Luis,” William said irritated, not able to hide his feelings.

The boy nodded but held the white blanket with his fingers. Katherine entered the room after, and Luis sprang up from his seat. He was quickly at Katherine’s side, and she affectionately ruffled his hair. Soon enough he was watching her as she plated his treats and poured William some tea. She curtsied, and gave Luis the treat as he sat down.

“It is Yule miss. God bless you Miss Katherine.” Luis announced happily, hiding his gift until she reacted with a smile.

Luis dug into the soft biscuit, enjoying the warmth it created in his body. The sweet smell of nutmeg was in the biscuit and it tasted good. Whilst William looked at one, jealously raging through him, desperately aching for one. He remembered when she used to make him treats, privilege him with a taste of her soul, before when she was happy.

He could have demanded one. He could have ordered her to make him some. He could have punished her for her insolence and disrespect, and she would have been defenceless to stop him. But he couldn’t. As she stood before him, he knew what he needed. He needed her to be happy. He couldn’t hurt her again.

Katherine stood silently, waiting for her dismissal, and was grateful when she was told to leave. She curtsied again, and her grey skirt brushed the floor around her. As she reached the door, she paused a moment hearing.   

“Luis has a gift for us,” William divulged, his voice as icy as the winter bite.

Katherine turned around and walked back, feeling bad as she wasn’t able to return the boy’s gift. He gave it to her once she sat beside William, and they unfolded the cloth together, smiling at the delicate stiches of their initials. A W and a K dominated the corner of the beautiful silk cloth.

William wondered how Luis’ parents could have afforded such expensive material. But, why he felt he needed to wrap it around his and Katherine’s body, to keep them clothed together. Katherine marvelled at such a bit of human kindness, and enveloped him in a hug. He returned it, and then asked if he was allowed more cookies, Katherine laughed.

Silence overcame the room again, and William gave him his present of clothing. He had bought him several toys, which had been taken to Luis’ house, but had saved some of the new attire he had purchased. Luis thanked him, and packed it away, and then asked to play in the garden for a while.

The Girl With The Sunset Eyes {Historical Interracial Romance/ #1 Blake Series}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora