Chapter 19

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MEEPYM: Since you are already mad at me for taking so long I won't waste your time any longer. Please read note at the end, many thanks :)

Chapter 18:

I simply adore her.

December the fifteenth London, England

The year of our lord, 1795

Diary of William Thomas Blake

William continued holding Katherine, his body a comfort to her fragile body, and his mind racing with the consequences of his actions, and what this could mean for both of them. He was her master! And yet he could not imagine this woman’s place, but in his arms.

He did not see her as weak for accepting his trust; in fact he was relieved she had. Why? Because he was afraid she wouldn’t, and it seemed having another person leaning on him, made him feel as if he was worth something.

 A friendship, something worth living for, with Katherine Ayim was something that could not roll off his lips every day. Besides, he was enjoying the beautiful sunset in front of them, which was slowly melting away. The evening was turning crisper, and that meant Katherine and William were both shivering, the hug was now a practical means too.

He could feel she was tense, and from that came the urge to make sure she was okay. But she was startled, he wasn’t surprised from the way that Watson had treated her and considering she had admitted it to a man who could do the same thing to her, and he didn’t want to scare her even further.

Instead, William closed his eyes, and continued cradling her and hummed softly. “Mr. Blake,” William instantly let go, almost as if Katherine suddenly repulsed him, once he heard Julian’s voice. “I did not mean to…Miss Phillips will be returning soon, and it is getting late,”

William stared up, and seeing the unreadable expression of Julian’s voice, he decided that he had gone too far. He had been brought up in a home where the only source of affection was from his mother, and when she left, he had no one. Maybe because of this the urge to keep Katherine was like a child being separated from a beloved sweet, something rare and a childlike innocence which ignored the consequences of enjoying it too much.

Public displays of affection were frowned upon, especially the man showing his feelings, and towards a woman that either belonged warming his bed or scrubbing his floors, he had gone too far. Julian stood respectfully, waiting and watching for the couple.

William got up, and outreached for Katherine’s hand. She stood up, took it and then let go. Now standing up, Katherine brushed her skirt with her hands, and avoided eye contact with either man. William started walking towards the house, and Katherine and Julian followed, in the nights sound.

Until, the sound of horse shoes cluttering, meant William took a sharp intake of breath and turned around too. He saw the carriage coming up the hill, it wasn’t his. He could vaguely see the curtain drapes, purple, and he instantly recognized who it belonged to. Watson.

“Get her inside now,” William hissed, as he quickly unlocked the door. “Go to my room, no one should disturb you,” And then he shoved Katherine and Julian inside. It would be too obvious if he entered the house as well, so he locked the door, and pretended to now unlock the white door.

“William,” William gritted his teeth, as he heard the high pitched voice, and turned around with a smile.

“Miss Phillips, Nathaniel, Mr. Watson,” William bowed at his last acknowledgement, and watched as the three of them walked upwards to the doorsteps.

The Girl With The Sunset Eyes {Historical Interracial Romance/ #1 Blake Series}On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara