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Emily's POV

Waking up in his arms is the best thing ever. I stared at his well defined face. I traced his eyebrows, nose then jawline with my fingers and chuckled when he stirred in his sleep. I'm not creepy by the way! You'll probably understand this if you have a boyfriend *smirk*  "Mmmm... morning babe" He stared at me with his piercing eyes.  "Morning" I smiled.  He pulled me in and sniffed me a little. "Hey babe, you put on some perfume didn't you" He talked into my ear.  "Yeah... why?" I answered, feeling a bit panicky (If theres such a word). 

"It didn't fit you... a bit too mature for my young wife" He sat up, pulling out his phone.  .... so I uh disappoint him?  "Babe, I will be away for some work matters" He said and started taking out suits after suits.  I looked down starting to tear up but I clenched my teeth and blinked them away.  "Underwear" I muttered. This man would leave this house with not matching socks and slippers when he is in panic or rush.  "Right" He said a grabbed boxers before packing them all up.

He took the bag and his suitcase up leaving the room.  Whats wrong with me... did I not satisfy him... m-my *whispers* virginity *whispers* was given to him... after all.  4 days later  No miss calls No text messages NOTHING. I was getting beyond frustrated. He didn't even tell me where he was going for work.

I went to his compant that day and he wasn't in.  Work matters he say.  Nevermind... I think I am just not good enough to satisfy his needs. I rang Eric up to go to the bar for some beer.  "Hey Eric , up for some beer?" I called him.  "Sure pick you up in 20" He said and hang up.  I started to doll myself up, ready to use the perfume. I held it up and got reminded of Drew.  "It didn't fit you" these words rang in my head. I placed the perfume down and used another one instead.  Well sorry it didn't fit me.  Eric picked me up and we went to the bar. I started rambling and complaining to him. 

*Eric's POV *

Emily looked as beautiful as ever. She started talking loudly and stomping the ground with her high heels complaining about Drew.  She was dead drunk.  She stomp into the place where the bartenders are and started talking to something.  I walked over to her trying to drag her out and guess what she was asking a freakking yellow sponge why it was there and not in the pineapple house. Then she started asking me random quiz question of why patrick sticks on his house everytime he appears. 

What the fuck?  Thats so cute.  If Drew doesn't come back soon and she finds me again. I'll not hesitate to take this beautiful woman away and claim her mine. Its one more step to war. I don't care whether or not hes the CEO and im just a small fry. 

Drew's POV 

I felt nauseous. Thats all it took and I ran into the washroom and puked. That sobered me up. I walked back to the bar and sat back next to Eric.  "Em are you okay?" He asked staring at my face as if trying to read my expression.  "Yeah" I smiled dumbly at him "Eric , i better get home. Its getting late"  "Oh I'll give you a ride then" He stood up. What a gentleman.  He dropped me off and I waved goodbye to him.  I turned around and wobbled up to the house. 

Opening the door, I found an angry Drew.  My eyes were wide as a frisbee.  "Have fun huh who were you out with Emily " Drew clenched his teeth. He didn't call me babe as usual.  "Eric "I said and looked away. I was soon pinned up on the wall behind me.  He took a whiff "You've been drinking with that man?! While I'm working!?" He shouted. 

"What the fuck Drew. You left me for 4 days. No messages no phonecalls. I went to your company nobody was there.  I just went to talk to Eric about it is that even wrong!? He talked to me and you? You left me right after we had sex." I shouted back, a traitor tear slipping down my cheek.  Drew looked as if he was about to kill someone. He spoke "Correction Emily , I did not have sex with you. I made love to you. You are mine, not Eric's so call me I'll try to answer it.

How busy do you think I was? I was trying to make this for you" he took out a bottle shaped like a swan. A perfume.  What? I thought. I stared dumbly at the bottle of perfume.  "Look baby I'm sorry I left you right after we made love okay? I wanted to make this perfume as soon as possible. I named it Last Love representing us. I had to discuss this matter with various companies and cancel the previous product. It took me days. Now baby I suggest you to go to the bed and lie down now. I want you there beside me. I couldn't catch a wink without you" Drew said as he hugged me.  "I'm sorry Drew I didnt know" I looked into his eyes. He leaned down for a kiss. 

Drew Tyree, my last true love I'll ever have.

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