Pack trumors-Derek Hale

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Everyone in the pack has noticed the way Derek acts completely different when he is with you. He is always smiling and laughing with you something he doesn't do very often with the others. He is also very protective of you and always tense if he sees someone flirting with you. That's why Lydia finally decided to see what is going on. The pack had just finished a meeting at Scott's house as you and Lydia get into her car.

"So what's with you and Derek?" Lydia asks as you guys leave

"What do you mean?" You ask confused why Lydia was asking you that

"Come on Y/N! It is so obvious that he likes you. He's always smiling with you and laughing which he rarely does with anyone else. Also when ever someone else flirts you with you, he gets all moody and tense. How can you not see that?" Lydia says shocking you

You always thought Derek saw you as a stupid teenager or a friend. Not in a romantic way just in a friendly pack member way. So this information sort of shocks you. You, of course, think Derek is really attractive and super nice definitely someone you would date. You thought about it before how it would feel to hold his hand and him calling you his.

"Really?" You ask your eyes wide

"Y/N, it's pretty obvious." Lydia replies giggling as we pull into your driveway with your mind blown as you get out.

You stood at the front door of Derek's loft the next day trying to decide if you should knock or not. Gathering up all your courage up you knock on the door. The door swings open to a smiling Derek.

"Hey Y/N what are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you." Derek says as you step inside and he closes the door

"Um, I came here to ask you about something that may sound a little weird." you answer nervously about what you are about to say

"Okay, what is it?" asks Derek looking genuinely curious

"Well, Lydia told me that everyone in the pack thinks you like me yesterday. So I wanted to know if you, yeah know, actually do?" I say shyly nervous he would laugh in my face

"Yeah, I do." Derek admits nervously scratching his neck looking down his cheeks red in embarrassment

"I like you too." you confess making him look up at you in shock

"Really?" He asks eyes wide

"Yeah." You confirm as he steps closer to you then smashes his lips on to yours

Shocked it takes you a few seconds to respond but when you do you feel a million sparks. Your lips move in sync as he deepens the kiss putting his hand on your cheek pulling you closer as you pull him closer with your arms on his neck. Pulling back you see he has a huge goofy grin and his eyes are filled with love with your face matching his completely.

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