Liam Dunbar (Requested)

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Requested by @TheRealBabyLexie

Lexie heads towards Coach Finstock with her clipboard since she's the student helper for the lacrosse. Only because Coach is giving her extra credit for it.

"Freshmen you will be in charge of the stopwatch." says Finstock handing Lexie the stopwatch

"Again Coach I'm not a freshman, I'm a sophomore now. Do you need to go to retirement home already?" Lexie says sassily knowing Coach only calls you a freshman to annoy her

"Very funny." says Coach rolling his eyes

Lexie then spots Liam staring at you. He blushes a little as he notices Lexie caught him. Lexie thinks nothing of his blush as she waves at him. They are best friends along. She even knows his little werewolf secret. He waves back.

She smiles until Coach starts talking.

"Stop flirting with your little boyfriend and play attention." smirks Coach as he heads to the field

His little comment makes Lexie blush as she rolls her eyes before following Coach.

Lexie stands outside on her phone waiting for Liam so they can walk home together like they planned.

"Hey, Lexi, you coming to the pack meeting?" asks Stiles standing in front of Lexie smiling making Lexie look up from her phone

"I always do." answers Lexie confused at why Stiles was asking her that

They weren't really friends. Lexie would say out of all the pack members, Stiles is the one she talks to the least.

"Good, well I'm really excited to see you there." says Stiles winking before he takes off down the hall

"What was that?" asks Liam walking up to mad since he heard everyone and saw Stiles wink at Lexie

"I..honestly have no clue, but who cares let's go home." says Lexie

"Yeah, you're right." says Liam smiling a little before he leaves with her

Liam lays in bed still thinking of what he heard Stiles say.

Was he flirting with her? He knows I like her. He winked at her. Does Lexie like him? Why would Stiles do this to me? I thought Stiles liked Lydia. I hope Lexie doesn't like him back. Liam thinks sighing as he worries

Lexie sits on Scott's couch waiting for the pack meeting to start. She was small talking with Liam who is sitting next to her when Stiles plopped down close to her. Both Lexie and Liam give him a slightly confused look.

"Hey, Stiles...what are you doing?" asks Lexie as Stiles places his arm around her shoulder annoying Liam a bit

He needs to move his shoulder. Liam thinks not liking what Stiles is doing

"Just sitting next to my favorite girl." says Stiles winking making Lexie blush a bit while Liam stiffens a bit mad

"Okay, let's start." says Scott diving into the weekly topics

As the meeting goes on, Stiles is whispering to Lexie whatever his saying making Lexie blush and giggle something out of her very sassy character. While Liam's tolerates level is starting to run out.

"Hey, how about after this we go back to mine?" he asks smirking causing Liam to lose control

He quickly pounces on Stiles angry his wolf side out angry.

"Leave her alone." he growls mad then trying to rip his ribs out but Scott stops him

Scott quickly grabs him and tries to hold him but struggles to keep him in place.

"How do we calm him down?" asks Lexie since Liam could normally get it under control with the sun, the moon, and the truth mantra

She isn't really used to him shifting out of control.

"You take him, Lexie, he likes you." says Stiles shoving Liam into Lexie

"Thanks a lot. Give the human the raging out werewolf." says Lexie freaking out a bit before Liam starts to snuggle up to Lexie

"Now what do I do?" asks Lexie

"Just help calm him down." instructs Lydia

"Okay.." says Lexie before she hugs Liam

"It's okay, Liam." Lexie whispers softly into Liam's ear as Liam hugs her back

"Liam, you're fine. Everything's fine." says Lexie softly in a calm tone as she rubs his back trying to soothe him

It seems to help a little as his breathing is less rapid.

"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." says Lexie

Liam's eyes now shifting back and forth from werewolf to normal. Lexie softly reaches up and places her hand on Liam's cheek softly hoping it would calm him. Liam snuggles into the embrace closing his eyes. As he opens his eyes they are back to normal.

"Thanks, Lexie." says Liam looking down slightly embarrassed

"It's no problem." says Lexie giving him a small smile pulling away from their embrace

"Um, how about we call it a day? There's not really a threat right now. Everyone's free to go." says Scott giving everyone a smile

Everyone nods then Lexie and Liam head out the door. They walk side by side silent both of them thinking.

"Thanks for calming me down." says Liam a little embarrassed he wolfed out

"It's no problem really. But what happened? Why did you wolf out you know?" says Lexie

"I....I, um, I just got so angry...jealous I guess seeing Stiles flirting with you." says Liam

"Jealous? Why?" questions Lexie looking at her confused

"Because I..I like you. I really really like you, Lexie. So when I saw Stiles flirting with you I freaked out. I wish I was the one you were laughing, giggling, and flirting with." admits Liam nervously

"I like you too, Liam. I don't like Stiles, I like you." admits Lexie smiling

Liam smiles before he places his lips on yours. Lexie and Liam both smile into the kiss happy both of them wishing they had admitted their feelings sooner. They pull back smiling at each, Liam's arms are still around Lexie's waist while Lexie's arms are around Liam's neck.

"I told you my plan would work. In your face Scott!" They hear Stiles yell causing Lexie and Liam to chuckle before kissing again


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