Liam Dunbar (Requested)

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Requested by @nathan-scott

Josselyn Stilinski walks into Beacon Hills High School for her first day of school her. She has to say she's a little nervous. California is a lot different than New York. Josselyn was sent to live with her aunt in New York half way through 7th grade. Her father claimed that were in dangers in Beacon Hills that he didn't want her caught up in. Josselyn was mad at first she had to live all her friends but after a few months in New York, she didn't care anymore. Josselyn loved living in New York. She had great friends there and great memories with them and her aunt. Sadly her aunt got a promotion and had to move to Ireland. So now she's back in Beacon Hills with her Sheriff father and her dorky, sassy brother. Josselyn walks to her locker which happens to be next to a blue eyed Beta.

Liam stands at his locker grabbing books for class when the best scent hits him hard. He looks to where the scent to see a beautiful black haired tan short girl.

She's beautiful thinks Liam in awe of the girl

She must be new. I think I would have noticed her by now plus that was Jeffery's locker before he moved away two weeks ago. thinks Liam

"You're a new, aren't you?" He asks leaning against his now closed locker

"Yeah, I am. Is it that obvious?" says Josselyn

"No, I just would remember a pretty face like yours." says Liam smiling

His comment causing Josselyn to blush a little

"I'm Liam by the way." says Liam holding his hand out

"Josselyn." She says shaking his hand

As she does she feels like sparks and so does Liam.

"What do you think about me walking you to class?" He asks smiling hoping her answer would be yes

"I think that would be great." says Josselyn shyly smiling

Then Liam and Josselyn walk to class small talking, laughing, and smiling.

"I saw you talking to Josselyn." says Stiles as he stands next to Liam before lacrosse practice

"So?" Liam says wondering why it was any of his business who he talks to

"Stay away from her." demands Stiles

"Why do you care if I talk to Josselyn?" asks Liam annoyed

"Because she's my sister." answers Stiles before jogging off to Scott

How can someone like Josselyn be related to Stiles? He thinks shocked but doesn't plan on staying away from her like Stiles demanded

Skip forward to a few weeks from now, Liam didn't stay away from Josselyn. In fact, they just got back from a date. They spend the next week after meeting flirting with each other before Liam finally got the courage to ask her out. They both really really like each other sadly Josselyn's brother is being annoying and has banned them from seeing each other. So they are currently dating in secret. The only people that know are Mason and Corey who are Liam and Josselyn's best friends. Josselyn and Liam kiss as they stumble their way to Josselyn's couch. Josselyn lays on the couch as Liam tries to quickly takes his jacket off.

"Are you sure Stiles isn't going to interrupt us?" asks Liam as he gets on top of Josselyn making sure to keep his weight off her

"He's staying at Scott's tonight something about a Star War's marathon." answers Josselyn wrapping her arms around Liam's neck

"Now do you want to talk about my brother or do you wanna make out?" asks Josselyn

"I wanna make out." says Liam leaning down closer to Josselyn's face

"Good choice." says Josselyn smiling before Liam crashes his lips on hers

They until to make out until Josselyn pulls Liam's top off.

"Your so beautiful." mutters Liam as he takes off Josselyn's

"Thanks. You aren't too bad yourself." says Josselyn before kissing Liam

Then they hear the front door open. Liam and Josselyn pull away from each other looking at one another with an oh crap look.

"Josselyn Scott blew me off so I was-What's this?" says Stiles looking between Liam and Josselyn mad

"It's not what it looks like." says Josselyn as Liam gets off of her

"Oh so you weren't making out with Liam?" He ask as Josselyn puts her shirt back on as does Liam

"Okay so it's kind of what it looks like.." says Josselyn

"I thought I told you to stay away from him." says Stiles

"You did but I really like Liam." says Josselyn

"And I really like Josselyn." says Liam intertwining his fingers with Josselyn making her smile

"And Stiles, you're my brother not my dad. Dad's fine with us being together. You can't keep us from seeing one another." says Josselyn

"Fine, I guess I'll just have to respect that my sister has horrible taste in guys." says Stiles walking away

"Finally he's gone." says Liam before crashing his lips on Josselyn's

"Stop! Gross!" says Stiles causing them to pull apart

"Sit down Dunbar, it's time you and I have the fun brother meets sister's boyfriend chat." says Stiles holding his bat making Liam and Josselyn roll their eyes


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