Chapter 1

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September 10, 2009

The thing about surprises that everyone hates is that they're unexpected. But that's also the thing they love about them. It's a love-hate relationship, surprises and people. So when a hand shot out of the ground next to a tent in the middle of the woods, the couple wasn't very happy to see a dead girl break through the ground.

"Oh my god," the man said with wide eyes as he clutched his girlfriend. "The zombie apocalypse. It's starting." With heavy breaths and wobbly legs, the green-eyed girl managed to stand up straight. She looked around her before her gaze settled upon the shaking couple behind the fire.

"There is no zombie apocalypse," she told them, catching her breath. She felt a slight breeze and glanced down to see that she had no clothing upon her. She looked back up at the couple. "Do you happen to have any clothing I may use?" The woman nodded, pointing shakily to a duffel bag next to the tent. The redhead gave them a grateful smile and dug through it before she found an outfit. She pulled on the undergarments, shocked that she had figured them out herself, before pulling on the black skinny jeans and dark crop top.

"T-there's some boots, t-too," the woman stuttered, nodding towards a pair of black knee high high heeled boots sitting outside the door of the tent. The redhead pulled them on quickly.

"Thank you," she told the couple before turning around and walking off into the woods in search for a certain person.

"Kid? You alright?" Bobby Singer asked Sam Winchester with worry. Sam turned to face Bobby, shaking his head.

"No, actually. Bobby, this is all my fault. I'm sorry." Dean sighed, shaking his head.


"Lilith didn't break the final seal. Lilith was the final seal," Sam told Bobby, ignoring his brother.

"Sam, stop it," Dean ordered. Sam, once again, ignored his brother.

"I killed her, and I set Lucifer free." Bobby's eyes widened and opened his mouth to reply when there was a knock at the motel door. Sam and Dean both groaned. They had already had a surprise visit from Becky. They didn't feel like having another uninvited guest. As Dean opened the door, Sam and Bobby started to go at it. Sam, obviously regretting his mistake, wasn't surprised when Bobby went off on him. It was something any normal person would do. But they weren't normal. They hunted the supernatural. That was as far from normal as anyone could get. Sam shoved past Dean and out the door after announcing that he was going to go to the nearest church and read some lore that could help them.

A young woman stepped to the side, watching as Sam stalked off, before looking back up at Dean. "What do you want, lady?" Dean asked, clearly not happy seeing another stranger on his doorstep, especially since she was covered in dirt head to toe. She gulped.

"Are you Sam Winchester?"

"Try Dean. Now do you need something or are you just gonna waste my time?" The redhead looked down as she stuffed a crumpled piece of paper into her pocket.

"He told me that I could find you here," she said. Both Bobby and Dean furrowed their eyebrows in confusion.

"'He' who?" Bobby questioned, now standing behind Dean as he studied the girl. She cleared her throat.

"My father. My name is Libby. I want to help you." Dean and Bobby exchanged confused glances, wondering who the hell Libby could be. "Before I tell you who I am, you have to promise me something."

"Depends on what it is," Dean said warily, his hand travelling to the demon knife in his jacket. Libby eyed it.

"That won't kill me. I'm sorry to disappoint you. All I need is your help to stop him."

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