Chapter 10 Beach Date

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“Dean was she giggling?” Sam asked as the two of them watched her interact with the geek.

“Yup.” Was all Dean said as he watched her interact with the guy. Sam watched the water as people swam in it. “My bet is that whatever is doing this will wait until night.” Sam just nodded as they watched the beach. Then an idea got into his head. He had seen Dean checking her out. Unfortunately for Dean, Sam was just as interested in her as he was.

“That thing will probably be out there trying to find another victim. I’m going to give her some help in attracting that thing.” Sam was out of the car before Dean could protest. Sam did chuckle as he heard Dean call him a bitch from inside. “Jerk!” He yelled back. Sam grabbed the pair of swim shorts from the trunk of the Impala and headed to the restrooms. Once changed, he headed to the beach.

Somewhere along the way Sam had lost her. Maybe it was because there were a bunch of college girls that were trying to distract him. Sam couldn’t ever remember seeing bikini’s this skimpy in his life. He’d been to college for pete’s sake!

“So what’s your name?” One girl in a particularly skimpy sting bikini stopped him putting her hand on his chest letting it creep to his abs where he felt her trace part of six pack and running her hand back up. Sam smirked as she gasped and grinned seductively up at him. Deciding to play along a little bit he looked her up and down. She was as thin as a rail and Sam felt like if he touched her she would break. But her breasts were practically hanging out of the little red triangles. She looked like she went tanning and had the bright white fake smile. She had make up on and Sam thought it was rather extreme. Even her hair was dyed with blond streaks. Overall it looked rather fake.

“Not interested.” Sam grinned a bit and sidestepped her finally finding Tyler. “Tyler!” He called out as he saw her laugh and the geek she was talking to smile. Then she looked up at me and smiled. Her mask never faltered. She waved Sam over and stood up. The geek was behind her and his eyes immediately landed on her ass.

“Hey! I’m so glad you made it!” She grinned but her eyes were staring at Sam like she was saying ‘what the hell are you doing here?’ even as she walked over towards him. She looked up at him and he hugged her bending over to whisper in her ear.

“It’s still Sam and you’re my girlfriend. It only attacks girls with boyfriends.” She nodded and kissed Sam on the cheek. “So who’s your friend?” Sam grinned at her and put his arm around her waist. She let it stay there, but put her arm around him and pinched his side letting him know she wasn’t happy. 

“This is Caleb!” The boy was thin and wore thick glasses. He was about as pale as a ghost and his arms were stringy. “Caleb this is my boyfriend Sam! I think you’ll both get along so well!” She gushed. Sam smiled and put his hand towards the kid. The kid gave him a small glare then he masked it with a smile and shook his hand.

“It’s nice to meet you Sam. Your girlfriend is beautiful. You’re very lucky to have her.” Sam felt Tyler’s hold on him tighten but her mask stayed the same and she giggled hugging him from the side.

“Yeah I know I am. She’s something really special.” Sam could tell something was happening but he wasn’t sure what.

“You should do something special for her.” Caleb stroked his chin. “I have an idea! Let’s go talk Sam!” Then he looked at Tyler. “If it’s ok with you Tyler.” She nodded giggling again and pushed Sam towards him.

“Go. I’ll be here when you come back.” With a wink she left his side and headed for the towel on the sand. Picking up her phone she started talking to someone. Sam figured it was Dean.

“Alright lead the way.” He said gesturing to Caleb. Leading Sam away to a small group of trees Caleb leaned against one and Sam did the same. “So what did you have in mind?” Sam asked. The geek adjusted his glasses and grinned.

“Well a night to remember!” The boy started his eyes getting excited. “A picnic by the lakeside with the stars and the moon! A midnight swim and of course fireworks!” He grinned and looked at Sam and then looked over at Tyler who was giggling on the phone as she lay in the sun.

“Well I can do all of that except the fireworks.” Sam said looking at Caleb.

“Oh I can take care of that. Just leave it to me.” He said with a smile.

“Thanks man, but can I ask you something?” Sam asked as the two boys began walking back towards Tyler. Caleb absentmindedly waved him on. “Why are you doing this? I mean we just met.” Caleb grinned and to Sam it looked a little demonic. And Sam knew demonic and evil. This kid just didn’t feel right.

“Because Tyler deserves this. She is everything a guy could want. And nobody really appreciates her.” Sam hadn’t really been paying attention to Caleb before but his head whipped back to look at him.

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