Chapter 25 Teasing Plans

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Sam’s phone rang again and he picked it up hoping it was Tyler. The brothers had found where Caleb lived and were eager to talk to him but Sam was insistent that they wait for Tyler.

“Hello?” Sam said cautiously as he answered.

“Sam, meet me at the Redwood Cafe on Third Street. You did find him right?” Tyler asked. Sam could hear some music in the background and what sounded like kids playing.

“Yeah, we found him.” Sam said before covering the speaker on his phone and turning to Dean. “Redwood Cafe on Third Street is where Tyler is. Can you get us there?” Sam asked Dean.

“Yeah, of course I can get there.” Dean said.

“We’re on the way Tyler. We didn’t talk to Caleb and we made sure he didn’t see us.” Sam said.

“Good. How far away are you?” Tyler asked.

“Dean how far are we?” Sam asked.

“About five minutes. Ten if traffic is bad.” Dean answered a bit gruffly.

“We’ll be there in five, ten minutes.” Sam told Tyler.

“Great, I’ll be waiting.” Tyler said and hung up. Sam smiled and shook his head.

“How do you think she got a ride?” Sam asked Dean after he hung up. Dean smirked and looked at Sam.

“Well I don’t think she flew.” Dean grinned. Sam scowled at him and Dean chuckled. “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask her.” Dean said as he pulled in a parking spot near the cafe. The brothers walked in and spotted Tyler. She motioned them over to the booth and they squeezed in the booth opposite her.

“Glad you could make it.” Tyler said reading her menu.

“We’re glad you could too.” Sam said with a grin. “How’d you get here anyway?”

“A little feminine charm goes a long way.” Dean grinned and nudged Sam in the side.

“I actually made a bet.” Tyler grinned. “May have broken a car.” She grinned like the cat that caught the canary. “Because apparently girls can’t fix cars.”

“Wait, you broke a car so you could make a bet that you could fix it so you could get here?” Sam asked incredulously.

“You make it sound so much more complicated than it actually was.” Tyler smiled casually.

“Can we just move on?” Dean sounded exasperated. Tyler nodded with a wicked grin.

“Caleb is definitely our demon. While I was hitching my ride here David’s friends mentioned that some kid saw Caleb’s eyes turn black. The kid thought it was a trick of the light.” She shrugged.

“Alright but the question is has this demon moved on yet.”

“No, I don’t think he has. Did you see Caleb get off the bus? He was walking confidently and I don’t think that nerd is actually confident.” Dean shook his head to Sam’s question.

“Hey Dean? Watch the nerd talk.” Tyler smiled at him innocently, too sweetly to be anything but a warning.

“Alright!” Dean threw his hands in the air in mock surrender. “Nerds defend nerds. I get it.”

“Strike two.” Her smile turned into a dangerous little smirk. “Don’t forget I can take you in a heartbeat.”

“I like frisky women. Though you’re a bit feisty for my tastes.” He said looking her up and down.

“Dean you’re treading on thin ice.” Sam warned.

“Fine. Back to business.” Dean grinned. Tyler practically growled as she glowered at Dean. “So you said you had a plan. Want to share?”

“With you? No.” Tyler did growl as she looked at Dean. “But will I? Yes.” She folded her hands and started to explain. “Every demon wants something and they all serve a master. Whether they realize it or not depends on how smart the demon is and if their master ever wants something from them. Either way any demon will realize the worth of capturing a live angel-”

“Why do you always put yourself out there as bait?” Sam asked interrupting her. He didn’t like this plan any more than he liked putting her out there the last time. Dean was more okay with this plan than he was having his little brother out there but Tyler had grown to become family too but Dean knew she could handle it. Or he hoped.

“Because it’s necessary. So unless you have another plan...” She gave Sam time to respond but he didn’t. “I suggest you keep quiet. First we have to interrogate the poor kid. So we lie to him and tell him we’re reporters an we were at the beach because of the monster.”

“How exactly do we explain the monster or the fact that we fought it, killed it and it disappeared?” Dean asked.

“Simple. We don’t. If we have to I can make something up on the spot. Then we let something slip that mentions something about hunters and then drop the slip of paper giving him vital information about me being an angel.” She said with a smile. We nodded.

“To the house?” Dean asked. Tyler nodded with a genuine smile.

“To the house!” Sam said and put his fist in the air. “You want to swing there?” He asked Tyler with a chuckle. She smacked him but got in the back seat of the impala after she threw some cash on the table.

“I’d rather fly.” She said when they got in the impala and Dean had started to pull away from the curb.

“Well you have wings.” Sam said referring to the tattoo on her back.

“Don’t even go there.” Tyler growled. The rest of the ride to Caleb’s house was silent.

“So are we all going to talk to this demon bastard?” Dean asked trying to break the tension. Tyler nodded and opened the door, the brothers following her.

Sorry for being so late with this! I just had a lot going on! So thanks for being patient!

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