Chapter 30 Only Time Will Tell

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The fog lifted and there was no sign of Tyler. Dead or alive. Dean couldn’t decide if he was relieved or unhappy that they hadn’t found her. Sam was happy she’d gotten away but he couldn’t believe that she’d left him behind. Well she’d made a sacrifice for them and the girls that had been captured by the demon.

“Dean do you think?” Sam couldn’t finish as he asked his big brother the question. Sam hated it when people died but he was glad Dean wasn’t insisting on finishing Tyler off.

“I don’t think anyone, even an angel could survive that.” Dean answered quietly. Like Sam he was glad they didn’t have to kill her but that didn’t mean he was happy that she had to die at all. The brothers stopped for a moment of silence for Tyler and then got back to business.

“What are we going to do?” A woman asked when the brothers walked back up to the group. The girls were nervous and even Caleb who didn’t seem to be completely awake yet had picked up on the anxiety and was fidgeting.

“My brother and I are going to call you all an ambulance and then get out of here. We have no desire to be the objects of a criminal investigation. The demon is out of Caleb so if you could send the feds on a wild goose chase that would be fantastic.” Sam said taking on a stronger tone as he tried to convey the sense of everything being okay rather than the pain he was feeling.

“You’re just going to leave us here?” One girl squealed in fright. A girl with light brown hair rolled her eyes.

“Go, we’ll be fine.” She said eyeing the sky before looking at the squealing chick. The boys looked at her uncertainly. “Trust me. Someone is watching over us.” She smiled and shoo’ed the brothers towards the car with some final words. “I know what you boys do, if you’re around when the cops get here you’ll probably be arrested. Get lost, we’ll cover for you. Thank you.” She said as Sam and Dean got into the impala.

“You can look after them right?” Dean asked and the girl looked back at the group. She smiled at the boys.

“Of course I could, but I don’t think I’m going to have to. Good luck Sam. Good luck Dean.” She said and patted the top of the impala twice before walking towards the group with a small limp.

“Was she talking about Cas?” Dean asked Sam.

“I think so?” Sam said unsure himself. I mean how many angels did they really know but there had to be others out there. And there was also Zachariah and Anna was still out there too.

“Why would any of the angels show themselves to them? They’re just girls.” Dean said suddenly. “It couldn’t be...” Dean glanced at Sam his eyes wide. Sam looked at him not quite following. “Nah...” Dean said again.

“What?” Sam said confused.

“It couldn’t be... Tyler wouldn’t have come back. Would she?” Dean glanced at Sam again. Sam couldn’t tell if Dean was excited or scared.

“Dean, Tyler died.” Sam said trying to convince Dean as well as himself. “The demons got her. They’re probably torturing her like they did Ruby. Probably torturing her like they did you in hell.” Sam said sadly. Dean kept his eyes straight on the road. “Think about it Dean.” Sam said when the older Winchester didn’t respond. “She’s full of angel blood, they wouldn’t just kill her and be done.”

Mean while Tyler was still battling the demons. Some of them had left their meat suits and had taken to the air trying to follow her. They were dangerous because if they managed to take over her body, which she doubted because in addition to her... recent tattoo job she had an anti-possession tattoo on the back of her neck, they would find so many secrets and could do so much damage if the demon could survive inside.

“Ηλίθιοι δαίμονες.” She cursed absentmindedly in Greek as she pushed herself further. She started watching the landscape and hoping to see something familiar. If the boys hadn’t already taken her car then she could easily hide in that and shoot the stupid demons from there. Right now she couldn’t get a good exorcism spell going with all the wind blowing by. It kinda reminded her of that commercial where the guy is on the bike and gets bugs in his teeth.

Looking down Tyler managed to see that she was almost back at the lake. She had been flying for hours but when she got to the place her mustang was supposed to be it was gone. Not slowing her pace she tucked her wings against her sides diving head first towards the ground. At the last minute she pulled her wings open to catch the wind and drop herself right onto the pavement. She folded her wings into her back.

Tyler thought she was going to vomit from the pain. She staggered towards the nearest wall and braced herself with her arm. Oh, that’s painful. I don’t think that white flashing before my eyes is healthy... When the spots finally cleared from her vision Tyler kept her head down and ran into the nearest clothing store. Fortunately it was night so nobody saw her. Going to the rack she found a black hoodie and pulled it on. She pulled out a twenty and paid the guy at the register who looked at her with a blank expression and didn’t even wish her a good day.

“How nice of you.” Tyler muttered under her breath as she exited the store. She walked around the town until she found her car. Fortunately the boys had left it right next to the impala. Reality was that the idjits had forgotten until the police had been at the crime scene and had gone back for it right before the police showed up. They’d managed to get it and were now in the motel room sleeping. Tyler chuckled before opening her door and putting the keys in the ignition.

She was exhausted but she pulled out of the space anyway. Tyler smiled as she drove away. They’d forget about her and she could focus on the demons that were tailing her. Hunting her like a deer. At least until the boys woke up. Meanwhile it was morning at the motel and Sam was up.

“Morning Dean.” Sam said from the small table while he researched new jobs on his laptop and sipped at his coffee. Dean grunted and went to the bathroom. Dean was checking them out of the motel when he went outside. He came back in swearing up a storm.

“Sammy where the hell is it! The car couldn’t have fucking driven itself!” Dean slammed the door. “Somebody stole her car! That was a nice car damnit! And it had a whole shitload of hunter gear in it!” Dean ranted.

“Dean, what are you going on about?” Sam said confused.

“Look out the window Sam.” Dean said practically blowing steam out his ears.

“Sons of bitches.” Sam almost laughed. “Maybe she took it Dean.” Dean snorted.

“Yeah and pigs fly with angel wings. Sam she’s dead.” Dean said still furious. But he was busy packing quickly shaking off the loss and getting their stuff packed for the long trip in the impala. “Where are we going Sam?”

“Wisconsin.” Sam said with a grin. The younger brother was sure she was out there somewhere and he couldn’t wait to run into her again.

“Fine. Get your ass moving Sammy!” Dean yelled.

“I’m coming Dean!” Sam yelled back and shut the motel door with a smile. While he was sure they would see her again only time would tell that.

Sequel is called Hunter of the Supernatural: Angels and Demons. I want the readers to help me and tell me if Tyler should be with Sam or with Dean. OR by herself.

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