Chapter 13

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*Harry's POV*

I set my head down on my arms, tears falling freely down my face as one of my hands held hers. Her hand was cool, and very skinny in my own. It looked as if mine swallowed it.

"Harry?" her sweet voice reached my ears. I looked up at her face, which was slowly hallowing out. Her cheeks caved in, her eyes sunken. Her hair was gone, as well as her eyebrows. She was beautiful.

"Yes?" I asked, my voice croaking.

"Don't cry, love," she said, reaching out to wipe my tears.

"I just...I-I miss you," I sobbed. She smiled softly at me.

"Oh, Harry, I miss you too," she said. I smiled through my tears, reaching up to give her a gentle kiss on the lips.

"I love you."

"I love you, too. Do something for me?"


"Harry, you need to mo-"

"HARRY! WAKE UP! YOU'RE GOING TO MISS YOUR FLIGHT!" Louis' voice broke me from my dream. My door opened and Zayn walked in, his face dropping at seeing my state.

"Harry? You alright, mate?" he asked. I hadn't realized I had tears going down my face by now. I merely shook my head. Zayn sighed and walked towards me, sitting on the bed next to me and putting an arm around my shoulders. "Another dream?" I just nodded. "Harry, you were doing so well, what happened? You hadn't had one in a month till just now."

It was true. I hadn't dreamt of Jessica in about a month. The boys keep telling me it was because of Ryder being there, but I don't know if I believe them.

Ryder and I weren't even dating, but they didn't know that. But me and Ryder are just friends...who I enjoy spending a lot of time with...and may enjoy kissing...NO! I can't let myself fall for someone else. I don't want anyone. I just want Jessica. Nobody else.

"I don't know," I sighed, running my hands through my hair. Zayn just nodded and sighed, getting up.

"Well, I'm going to go and make sure Lou doesn't burn down the house. Get ready, your flight leaves in an hour." He walked out my door, leaving me to my thoughts.

I can't grow to like Ryder.

All it will do is hurt me,

*At Airport*

"You ready?" I asked her. She nodded, taking a deep breath.

I got out of the car first, instantly becoming blinded by the flashes of the paparazzi. I turned back around, holding my hand out for Ryder to take. She smiled gratefully at me and took my hand. I kept a firm grip on her hand as Paul got our luggage. I pulled her through the men with cameras, ignoring all the screams coming at us.

We finally got through the crowd, going to the gate where our jet was. We got on quickly and the man from security closed the doors, blocking out the sound. I sighed in releif at the same time as Ryder, making us both laugh a bit.

"This, is a nice jet. Wow," she gasped, looking around. I smiled at her, watching as she glanced around in amazement. "How...?"

"Popstar, babe," I said, pointing to myself. She rolled her eyes and laughed a bit, continuing to look around.

"Conceded much?" she teased. I shrugged my shoulders carelessly.

"There is a very big difference between conceded and embracing, you know?" I said. She just giggled in response.

I took a seat on the couch, spreading my legs out across it. "Well, I'm going to watch a movie, kay?" I asked her. She just waved me off, making me chuckle a bit.

"Yeah, yeah. You do that, I'm going to explore a bit more."

"There's only so much you can explore, Ry. Jets are only so big. you know," I pointed up. She stopped walking and turned to look at me.

"Ry?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow. I froze, realizing my mistake.

"Um,, sorry. I- I didn't mean to, it sort of just um...slipped out? I guess you could say," I stuttered. She smiled and came and moved my legs, sitting next to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist.

"It's okay, Harry. I like it," she assured me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her as well.

This doesn't mean I like her.

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