Chapter 35

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*Ryder's POV*

"Ry, babe, your phone," Harry groans, nudging me awake. I groan as well, rolling onto my back and grabbing my phone.

"Hello?" I answer, covering my mouth as I yawn. It's seven in the morning and my phone ringing is the first thing that Harry and I woke up to.


I gasp at the voice, pulling the phone away form my ear to look at the caller I.D.. Harry rolls onto his back, looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. He pulls the phone down to where he can see it, his eyes widening at the name as well.

I put the phone back up to my ear, shakily responding. "Addie?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you would still be asleep. I can call back later," Addie apologizes. I sigh, running a hand through my bed hair.

"No, it's fine, I'm up now. What did you need?" I ask. Harry wraps his arm around my waist, burying his head in my lap and rolls onto his stomach. I gently run my hand through his shoulder length curls as I listen to Addie.

"I was wondering if you would let me explain? Everything? To Harry as well. The four of us could all meet up to grab dinner tonight if that's okay with you," she says. I yawn again, looking down to see Harry asleep again in my lap. I smile.

"Yeah, that sounds fine to me. But did you say the four of us?" I ask curiously. Addie lets out a hum of confirmation.

"Yes, you, myself, Harry, and Simon," she confirms. I make a little 'ah' sound at the recognition that, of course Simon is going to be there. He is one of the ones that started this entire thing anyways. Also, he is Harry's manager.

"Fine, yeah, we'll be there, what time?" I ask.

"Seven okay?"

"That's fine, I'm sure. Text me the address and we'll be there," I assure her. She thanks me for giving her the chance to explain before I hang up, putting my phone back on the nightstand.

I look down at the head of curls that is asleep in my lap, a smile appearing on my face. No matter how bad my life has seemed recently, Harry has been there with me through it all. And I mean, yeah, I lost my job, but hey, I married the guy I love more than anything. Maybe it isn't all bad.

"Staring is creepy," Harry mumbles into my thigh. I jump, laughing afterwards.

"And creeping people out isn't nice," I scolded him. He laughs gruffly, voice thick with sleep and exhaustion. This is his first day all week where he isn't having to go into the studio. They were trying to finish up their fifth album. So far they have a little over half the songs, seeing as they had written some on their last tour.

"Sorry, love," he smiles, stretching his back out a bit. "Now lay back down, I'm still tired," he groans. I laugh, laying down beside him, resting my head on his chest.

"I love you," I whisper through the dark. Harry wraps his arm around my shoulder, keeping me pressed against him.

"I love you, too."


"This look okay?" Harry asks me. I glanced up in the mirror as I put in my earring, scrunching my nose up at the blue floral shirt he was holding up to his shirtless torso.

"Harry, babe, love, sweetie," I grimace, turning and grabbing the shirt. He rolls his eyes, trying to hide the smile forming on his face.

"That's a no," he states, turning around to go back into the closet. I laugh, turning to the mirror to finish my makeup. "I suppose you hate this one too?" he teases, coming into the room with a pink and white polka dotted shirt in his hands. I was about to say yes, I did in fact hate it, but then I imagined him actually wearing it.

"Put it on?" I ask him. He shrugs, doing as he's told. He slides it on, buttoning up only a few of the buttons before holding his arms out to me, waiting for my answer.

"It's actually not bad," I say, surprising him. He shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm ready then," he says. I send him a playful glare, adding the last bit of mascara to my lashes before I capped it, finishing off my look for the night.

I didn't really worry to much about how I looked now. I just threw my hair up in a bun and did my makeup, not worrying about any curling or straightening now that I didn't have the stress of being a model anymore.

"Ready now?" Harry asks from his place on the bed, his phone in hand. I nod my head, grabbing my purse and sliding my phone inside. "Let's go then."

Ten minutes later, we pull up to a nice restaurant. The rating online says it's a four star. I hope the food is as good as it says.

"Addie, Harry!" Simon greets us as we walk in. We both send him small smiles, sliding into the booth across from him and Addie.

"Hello Addie, Simon," Harry replies, nodding his head to the pair. He reaches over, grabbing my hand in his, placing them on his thigh.

"Hello. So, we wanted to explain the reason as to why this has all happened," Addie explained. I let out a laugh.

"Which one? Me losing my job or the publicity stunt?" I question. They both look at each other, guilt in their eyes.

"The publicity stunt. Although I am very sorry about you losing your job, Ryder," Addie explains. I scoff, looking at her in disbelief.

"No, you're not! You did absolutely nothing about it! You literally sat there while I got fired. You never spoke up for me, you just sat there!" I exclaim. She shakes her head sadly.

"I know, Ryder, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it, but you have to realize that I had to protect my job as well. It's very important to me that I keep it beca-"

"Do you think my job wasn't important to me?" I question, baffled. "I had been working to get to where I was since I was seven. Seven! I'm twenty now, almost twenty one! Don't you dare come to me saying that your job is important to you like mine wasn't to me," I hiss. Harry tightens his grip on my hand. "You were like my mother. But now- now all you are is a selfish person who cares about nobody but herself," I declare. I gather my purse and Harry's hand in a tighter grip, pulling him out of the restaurant and into the night.

I remind myself again, as long as I have Harry, I'll be okay.

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