Chapter 49

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*Harry's POV*

       "Sir, I'm sorry, but that flight is booked completely, I cannot let you on," the lady tells me. I shake my head sternly."My apologies ma'am, but it an emergency! I have to be on that flight there, now! I am about to miss something very important!" I exclaim. She shrugs her shoulders and sends me an over exaggerated pout.

        "Oh, my bad, hon, I didn't realize that you were missing something important! What is it, your favorite team's big game today? I'm so sorry. Doesn't change anything. I still can't get you on that flight. Bye bye," the lady smirks.  She looks up to call the next person in line, but i cut her off by slamming my hand down on her desk.

       "Listen lady- I will pay however much as I need to to get on that flight. My WIFE is in LABOR at this very moment and I'm not there. So so help me, if you don't give me a ticket right now, you have another thing coming for you!" I growl. Her eyes grow wide and she frantically nods her head, printing out an extra ticket for the flight back to London. I had her the money quickly before walking off.

       "Have a good day sir!" she calls as I walk off. I ignore her, walking huridly over to where the plane was surrounded by people boarding it.  I didn't have time to pack any luggage, so I just walked through the security and then onto the plane. That lady was obviously lying about it being completely booked, seeing as I got first class, which only had about one fourth the chairs filled.

        I take my seat, checking my phone. I have twenty texts from Simon and Addie, both saying that Ryder is in labor and I need to get there. I had already left before they sent these, so I'll be there quicker than they think.

To: Simon Cowell
From: Harry S.
How is she doing? On the plane now. I should be able to call when we take off.

To: Harry S.
From: Simon Cowell
In pain, obviously. She keeps asking for you. Glad we have an answer to give her. How long till you're here?

To: Simon Cowell
From: Harry S.
About six hours or less. I asked them to up the time when I got on and paid them a good penny. I'll facetime her when I can.

To: Harry S.
From: Simon Cowell
She left her phone at your house. Call from mine.

         I waited the agonizing six hours, being able to FaceTime Ryder for about ten minutes before they gave her pain meds that made her fall asleep. I didn't know you could use those on people in labor, but apparently you can.

       As soon as the plane landed, I was the first off the plane. I ran through the airport quickly, hailing a cab as soon as I got to the road. I told the driver the address of the hospital which Addie texted me to go to. The man seemed to sense my urgency, because he nodded before taking all the shortcuts he knew, according to him. We got there within three minutes, and I barreled out of the cab, throwing the money in the seat.

       "Harry!" I hear as I was about to go to the receptionist. There stood Olivia, who was waving me over. I quickly run over to her, swerving to go into the room she was pointing to before I reached her.

        "Sir, you can't be in-"

       "Harry!" Ryder cries, a smile breaking out on her face. I smile as well, shedding my coat as I make my way over to her. I push her sweaty hair off of her forehead, kissing her nose sweetly as I take her hand.

       "Hi baby," I whisper out. She smiles as well, stretching her neck up to peck my lips quickly.

        "Hi. I didn't think you were going to make it here in time," she replies. I shake my head in denial.

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