Chapter 20

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*Ryder's POV-Victoria's Secret show (About one or two months later)*

       "I'm going to miss you so much!" Gigi exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. I laughed and hugged her back tightly.

       "It's not like we're never going to see each other again! We still have other shoots, and the next show next year," I said, nudging her shoulder. She nodded in agreement.

       "For sure. I'll see you next shoot we have together, okay? Call me," she said, strutting down the hallway towards her dressing room.

       Gigi and I had met during rehearsals for the show. She had immediately caught my attention with her confidence and personality. Since the first practice, we have been friends. It was great, being with someone who had so much experience doing shows. I mostly just did shoots. It was both of our first times being in a Victoria's Secret show. 

       "You did great!" Olivia exclaimed as I walked into my own dressing room. I smiled at her gratefully, sitting in the chair facing the mirrors, pulling out makeup wipes just as the door opened.

       "Babe!" Harry exclaimed, running towards me. I squeaked as he threw his arms around my neck from behind, making all the rest of the group laugh. "You did amazing!" he coos. I blush and laugh, pushing his arms away. He gives up and kisses the top of my head, sitting on my vanity with his legs hanging off.

       "Seriously though, you did great," Eleanor, Louis' girlfriend, said. I smiled at her through the mirror.

       "Thank you guys. I'm really glad you were all here," I said. They all smiled back at me as they took seats on the couches behind me. Harry smirked.

       "Of course I would be there. When else would I get the chance to see you in such outfits?" he laughed. I scoffed, pushing his shoulder jokingly. He grinned at me, pushing mine back, almost making me fall out of my chair.

       "Oh, like you haven't before," Louis teased. I raised my eyebrow at Harry, who just looked a bit put out. Louis seemed to realize our quietness. "Wait, you mean you haven't...oh my...Harry? Wha-You really did change!" he exclaimed. Harry shrugged.

       "Yeah, I guess so," he said, his voice not showing any particular emotion. Louis just raised his eyebrows again.

       "I'm having a hard time believing this. If you just don't want to talk about it, I get it bu-"

       "Louis!" Harry exclaimed, holding his hand up, "Yes, I have changed. In the past, it was all one night stands to me, no emotions, nothing, but I discovered that none of that matters when you're with someone you love. You don't need to be sleeping with the person to have feelings. Our relationship isn't based off of sex, it's based off of emotions," he said.

        I felt a grin creeping onto my face at his words.. He looked at me questionably, a small smile appearing on his own face. "What?" he asked. I just raised my eyebrows a bit more.

       "Someone you love?" I questioned. He seemed to be running his statement over in his mind before his face paled. He buried his face in his hands.

       "I was not meant to tell you like this," he groaned. Everyone in the room laughed as he sat on my vanity in front of me, red creeping up his neck and to his face. I just smiled, taking his hands off his face. He turned to look at me.

       "Say it," I whispered. He grinned.

       "I love you."

       I smiled wide, holding the sides of his face in my hands to keep it in place, pressing my lips onto his in a short kiss.

       "I love you," I told him as I pulled back. All of our friends cheered from the couches, Liam holding up his phone. He turned it towards himself, talking to the camera.

       "There you have it, their first 'I love you's! You guys are lucky I pulled my phone out in time," he said. I laughed, turning and burying my face in Harry's chest in embarrassment. This earned me another round of teasing from all of our friends.

       "I love you," Harry mumbled, pressing a kiss to my hair. I smiled into his chest.

       This is a good way to end a good day.

-That Night-

       "What do you want for dinner?" Harry asks as he wanders around his kitchen pulling things out of his fridge and pantry. I shrug my shoulders.

       "I don't know. What can you make?" I asked. He chuckled, winking at me.

       "Anything," he said. I pulled a thinking face.

       "Pizza?" I asked. He shrugged and then nodded.

       "Sure. Make our own?" he asks. I nod my head excitedly. He nods absentmindedly and started making the dough out, putting it in two large blobs. "I got the magazine," he said. I looked at him confused.

       "What magazine?" I ask. He nods his head to a large pile of newspapers and magazines on the corner of the counter. On top is a picture of me from my trip to Berlin. I had just turned my head, so my hair was flying behind me. I was wearing a brown light sweater and jeans, carrying a purse on my shoulder. I grinned, grabbing the magazine eagerly.

       "What does scone even mean in German?" Harry asked me as he mixed all the ingredients for the dough. I laugh.

       "It's pronounced schöne. It means beautiful. The bottom part says: 'Spring fashion: featuring Ryder Tyler.'"

       "Well, I won't disagree with the beautiful part," he grins. I blush and laugh, looking back down at the magazine. "There's more of them, but that's the only one you are front page on. You're in the other ones, so I did keep them," he says. I nod my head, flipping through all the magazines.

       "These turned out really well," I said. He nodded, dusting his hands off before coming around and wrapping his arms around my waist, his chin on my shoulder.

       "I'm sorry that I let that slip out after the show. I didn't mean to," he said. I hummed a bit.

       "Do you regret saying it?" I asked him. I could feel him shake his head on my shoulder.

       "Not one bit. I was worried that if I had told you sooner, that you would have run away, told me it was too soon," he shrugged. I laughed lightly.

       "You're not getting rid of me easily," I said. He grinned into my neck, nuzzling his nose into it.

       "You know how I figured out I loved you?" he asked.


       "Jessica. She's who I've been having dreams about. She kept coming back, trying to tell me something, but I would always wake up before I heard what it was. A week or so ago, I finally stayed asleep long enough to hear it. She told me to move on. She told me that you were there for me. And it was like, after hearing her say I could move on, it's like I had a weight lifted off my shoulders, like I was finally allowed to love again," he explained. I turned around in his arms, wrapping my own around his neck.

       "I love you."

       "I love you, Ryder."

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