Chapter 4

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Penny got up early the next morning so she could practice the piano before Jake showed up. Sunday was her main practice day but she would gladly give it up if it meant she could spend more time with Jake.

Penny wore blue jeans and a red sweater. She also braided her hair in a French braid. She hope Jake wouldn't find her appearance to be too plain.

Jake came to pick her up right on time. She was glad he was punctual because she would have worried if he was late.

The drive to Wells Gray Park took two hours. They chatted amiably during the drive and it seemed like the time went by quickly. They got to the park and stopped to look at some of the waterfalls. Jake brought his camera and took some pictures. He was obviously very skilled with a camera and Penny enjoyed watching him.

They got back in the car and Jake drove them to the Green Mountain lookout. They got out of the car and climbed up the steps to the top of the lookout. There was green forest as far as the eye could see in all directions. It took Penny's breath away.

"Wow! It's beautiful up here," Penny said, sniffing the clean air.

"It sure is," Jake agreed, standing next to her at the railing.

They were silent for a moment and just enjoyed the view.

"It feels like we're the only two people on the planet right now," Jake finally said, turning toward Penny.

"It sure does," Penny answered, turning to face him.

Jake reached out and gently cupped Penny's face with his hands. He moved in closer and she felt her heart start to pound.

His lips met hers and she was instantly captivated by his touch. He kissed her slowly, gently and thoroughly all at the same time. She never wanted it to end.

Jake finally lifted his head and murmured, "I've been wanting to do that for a long time. I hope you don't mind."

It took Penny's brain a few seconds to think and when she spoke it was to blurt out, "No one has ever kissed me like that before."

Jake looked surprised, but he didn't say anything. Instead he moved his hands down to her waist and pulled her closer to him.

He kissed her again and Penny lost herself in the moment. She felt his arms go around her and she embraced him. It felt wonderful to be in his arms. His kiss grew more passionate and she found herself responding to it in a most surprising fashion. She had no idea kissing could be so much fun. For the first time ever she felt cared for and wanted. The sensation of touch was so magnified she felt it all the way to her toes.

All too soon, Penny felt Jake pull away and she opened her eyes. He held her in his arms and looked deeply into her eyes.

"You take my breath away," he said softly.

She was captivated by the look in his eyes. It was as if he had been hiding his true feelings from her and now everything was wide open between them.

"I hope my inexperience doesn't disappoint you," she said softly, biting her lip.

"Of course not," he protested, caressing her cheek. "I think you're wonderful."

He punctuated his words with another long, deep kiss that left Penny feeling lightheaded.

Jake stopped kissing her long enough to tell her that he had brought a picnic and he asked her if she was hungry for lunch.

"Sure," Penny replied, grinning like a fool.

She followed Jake back to the car and he took a picnic basket out of the trunk. There was a picnic table nearby so that is where they had lunch. Jake had brought chicken salad sandwiches and some cut up fruits and vegetables.

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