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One Year Later

Penny was practicing the piano on a Friday afternoon when Jake came home from work.

"Hi, Mrs. Logan," Jake said jovially, coming over to the piano bench to kiss her in greeting.

"How was your day?" he finally asked when he stopped kissing her.

"It was good," she replied. "How was yours?"

"Busy, as usual," he answered, sighing dramatically. "But I'm glad it's over now. Do you feel like cooking dinner tonight?"

"Absolutely not," Penny said, giggling.

Jake laughed and kissed her on the cheek.

"How about I order out for some Chinese food?" he suggested.

"That sounds good," she replied.

"How about I get the dinner for three as usual?" he asked, standing up.

"You'd better make it dinner for four," Penny suggested.

"Oh. Did Jeremy invite a friend over?" Jake asked lightly.

"No. I'm eating for two," she replied coyly.

It took a moment for her words to sink in.

Jake sat back down on the bench next to her.

"Really?" he asked in a surprised tone.

Penny nodded, her eyes shining.

"I went to the doctor today," she said softly. "I'm about six weeks along."

Jake hugged her.

"That's fantastic!" he said excitedly. "I'm so happy."

Penny was glad.

Jeremy came upstairs and rolled his eyes when he saw them embracing on the piano bench.

Jake told Jeremy he was going to be a big brother.

"Cool," Jeremy said nonchalantly. "What's for dinner?"

Penny laughed. Jeremy was always thinking about food. He was a typical teenager.

"I'm going to get Chinese food," Jake said, standing up. "Wanna come?"

"Sure," Jeremy said amiably.

Penny watched them leave and her swelled with love for both of them. Even though her life had changed a great deal, she knew she had made the right choice.

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