Chapter 5

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Penny was almost late for work the next morning. That never happened. But she was so tired. The weekend activities had been worth it, however.

She had just settled in to start her work when Harry stopped by to say "Good morning."

"Did you have a good weekend?" he asked amiably.

"It was great. How was yours?"

"My wife chose a boring movie," he said, chuckling. "But that's what marriage is all about. You have to compromise."

Harry's face turned serious all of a sudden.

"You are going to be careful, right?" he said, referring to Jake. "You're not going to let anything jeopardize the quality of your work?"

Penny swallowed hard before she said, "I won't. I promise."

"That's good," Harry replied, smiling. "I would hate to lose you."

With that, he turned and went into his office.

Penny felt unnerved by their conversation. Would she lose her job if things didn't work out with Jake? She had always kept her personal life separate from her professional one. She was determined to maintain the status quo.

Penny didn't hear from Jake all morning. Part of her was relieved because she was able to focus on her work and get lots accomplished. She was determined not to disappoint Harry.

Penny went to the washroom on her lunch break and while she was in there she heard a couple of young women come in.

"You're not going to believe what I saw yesterday."

"What? Tell me."

"Jake and Penny were holding hands outside Charlie's Pub."

"You're kidding!"

"What's he doing with that heifer when he could be with one of us?"

"I have no idea. She dresses like a nun."

"And her hair looks like a brown rug."

"He's got terrible taste in women. Who knew?"

"Maybe she can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch."

There was a malicious chorus of giggles and then the other one said, "Oh my God! You're horrible!"

By this time, tears of mortification were rolling down Penny's cheeks. She sniffed, not caring if the other women heard her.

"What was that?"

One of them turned around to look at the bathroom stalls.

"Oh my God, I know those shoes. Let's get out of here!"

The women left the washroom, but the damage was done. Penny was devastated. The gossip brought back all the horrible feelings she had from being bullied in school. How could she face anyone knowing what they really thought of her? She should never have gone out with Jake. It was a mistake. He was way out of her league. She should have known better. He deserved someone thinner, someone less plain. Penny's self-esteem had never been that great, but now it reached a new low. She should just focus on her work and her music and forget about trying to have a love life. Things never worked out for her, anyway. Maybe the gossip would die down if she never saw Jake again.

Penny worked herself into quite a depression by the time she left the bathroom. Her tears were gone, but the pain remained. Old feelings of inadequacy had surfaced and she could not keep them buried any longer. She went back to her cubicle and tried to concentrate on her spreadsheet. The numbers kept swimming in front of her eyes. For the first time ever, she wanted to go home and crawl into bed.

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