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You feel lonely
I was there to cheer you up
You feel so low at yourslelf
I'd put you back at the top

You can't sleep
and I'd sing you a lullaby
You can't hold your temper
so I'd always let you cry

You feel scared
I'll tell you happy stories
You feel tired
I'll let you sleep your worries

You feel sick
Alertly, presribed you medicines
You are busy
I'll wait even how long it has been

I feel lonely
I can't find you anywhere
I feel so low at myself
I cant lift my self and barely feel the air

I can't sleep
to find out you already slept
I can't hold my temper
but you got mad and left

I feel scared
yet you scared me more
I feel tired
but you chose to mingle more

I feel sick
and made my way to the doctor
I was busy
but you didn't even bother

Look how big our difference is
Is this how things should be?
Because if it is, then clearly,
you only need me but don't love me.

Unsaid Feelings (Poetry Collection) Where stories live. Discover now