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Have you ever been to a rollercoaster ride?
of Mixed signals and feelings
One day you are loved
the next day you are not
But when you asked,
you are the one to blame
for assuming such nonsense.

Have you ever been to a rollercoaster ride?
of love, that is unsure.
of feelings, that have been played.
of self's forgotten worth.
of unrequited love.

But Why?
What's keeping you fight for so long?
When there's no more reason to fight.
When you only live in this Utopia
of you and him.
Oh I get it.

The more you ride this rollercoaster
the more you get addicted.
It feels good right?
The fun.
The thrill.
but at the end of the ride,
there we go again.
all those happy memories
will stay being a memory.

Love yourself.
You deserve more than being in a rollercoaster.

Unsaid Feelings (Poetry Collection) Where stories live. Discover now