Chapter 18 | Charlie, Charlie Are You There?

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"Mom, I'm not a baby. You don't have to check these candies for anything," I told my mom as she opened up all of the candies my and Bellamy collected a few hours ago. Bellamy gave me all the candy he collected ad when we came home, I had four bags of candy that I couldn't wait to finish.

I dressed up at Harley Quinn while he was the Joker. Mom seemed to be fine with us now.

"You don't make the rules Blake. Take all the candy you want from this bowl, it's been checked and don't forgot to brush your teeth three times a day," mom ordered as she went through more bags.

"Will Brianna go through security check too" I asked sarcastically as I sat on the island randomly eating from the bowl. "I have Chris for that" she said giving me a look.

"Does my costume scare you?" I asked jokingly. She obviously didn't like the way I made psychotic faces at her but it was so fun scaring her a bit. She looked cute.

"Not me but I'm sure kids weren't amused by your psychotic behavior and that baseball bat in your hand. You better be accepted by NYU in their performing arts and theatre program otherwise I'm going to be very upset" mom chuckled and pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you mom" I said.


"What is it Bri? I was about to change!" I said putting the phone on speaker.

"The party's becoming even more good! Bellamy is picking you up get your ass here ASAP" Brianna yelled into the phone but music was so loud her voice could barely be heard.

Before I cold protest I heard a car honking in my driveway. It was Bellamy. I picked up my phone to see Brianna hung up. I quickly fixed my make up and touched up my hair so my bangs don't fall to my forehead and I went down to his car.

"Hey Puddin', you're back!" I said in all my Harley Quinn glory. Bellamy was still in his Joker get up.


We walked into the house where the party was held. Needless to say it was the best decorated in the entire town. A real haunted house feeling. We walked into the house where people were actually scaring people, acting like psychopaths, possessed by demons or walking straight out of the purge movie. It was epic.

We managed to get through the entrance and hallway without a heart failure. It was then that I realized I was gripping Bellamy's hand really tight. I looked at him to see a smirk plastered to his face. I tried to let go but he didn't let me.

As we progressed into the house it started to look more like a party now. I was looking around for Brianna when my eyes found Chazelle.

She looked different. For once her brow hair wasn't in a tight bun. Her curly hair fell to her elbows and she looked younger than a thirty year old would. He wore a dark blue dress, not in a costume I'm guessing. I walked over to her and greeted her. She looked at me closely.

"Oh I almost didn't recognize you Blake! So this is what my little ballerina looks like outside the studio," she said with a bright smile on her face. I tried to hold back a cringe from her words as Bellamy shamelessly chuckled standing next to me.

"You look gorgeous Chazelle! I didn't expect to see you here."

"Believe it or not but this is my boyfriends house. His younger brother threw this party though. I see you're enjoying your night, you two make a great couple I must say but scary too" she winked and laughed.

I awkwardly moved away from Bellamy letting go of his hand. I gave her a sheepish smile before I could explain but Bellamy beat me to it. That monster. "Thanks Chazelle," he said giving her a smile. I rolled my eyes at his response.

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