Chapter 49 | Shit Just Got Real

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I stayed up all night because my mind was replaying everything that had happened. Trace was uttering complete nonsense. He was saying things that I couldn't make sense of. When I told Bellamy, it looked like he was trying to figure out what Trace meant but I'm sure he couldn't come up with anything. When the vein on his forehead was threatening to pop I quickly changed the subject. We needed to. However Bellamy's absence from school was bothering me. I knew I was relying too much on him but I couldn't help him. He was like my safety blanket and even though I knew how much trouble I was putting him through I didnt know how I could prevent something from happening to him. By the end of second period I debated on calling to check on him but I decided against it.

The kidnapping wasn't a small deal. I followed my normal routine because I need a distraction but Bellamy wasn't like that. Which was why I had to respect if he wanted some space or not. It wasn't easy though, I had Natasha take my phone from me so I couldn't sneak a text or two and she was more than happy with the idea of taking since since I gave her a fake cover story. I had yet to decide who I should tell about what happened. The normal person who came to my mind was Keith but I was holding myself back from telling him. The last thing I wanted was for them to do something reckless. I was already worrying about Bellamy.

Brianna drove me to the dance studio and after hours and hours of practice I was finally done with the session. I was really tired today since I stayed up all night and Chazelle wasn't going easy on us either but at least I was distracted. I was walking out of the studio to my Uber when I bumped into somebody.

"Hey," Bellamy seemed to have noticed me before I did. I couldn't stop the smile that came to my face when I saw him. I accidentally walked into him.

"Hi, I didn't think I'd see you today." I mumbled. He dark eyes bore into mine and I leaned forward to press a kiss on his lips.

"I'm sorry, I was just caught up with everything." He gestured with his hands in the air and I quickly nodded my head while taking his hands into mine.

"I should be the one to apologize. I'm sorry for what I got you into. You've always been here for me and you've always picked me up at my worst and I understand how there's only so much you can do." I took a sharp breath in, he was going to say something but I hushed him to continue, "If you want some space, I understand that, I—"

Bellamy cut my words short as he pressed his lips to mine. When he pulled back, there was a smile on his face. "Jane, you have the wrong idea. I couldn't find my phone and I thought of meeting you here." His hands rested on my hips as a warm feeling spread throughout my body. "You're not the only one with issues, you know. I need you just as much as you need me."

I hugged him as tight as I could and I couldn't help but feel giddy when he hugged me hist as tightly. People stared at us but I chose to ignore the world and imagine one where only him and I existed. It would be perfect.

I pulled back when I realized my Uber was waiting for me and Rosy was probably scared that she was forgotten. "I'd love to hug you longer but my Uber is waiting." I pointed to the car that was parked just a few feet away.

Bellamy frowned at me. "At least let me take you home. We can have some ice cream too."

His puppy dog eyes got the best of me and I sent the Uber away. Me and Rosy belted the lyrics of random Disney songs as Bellamy drove to our usual ice parlor. I loved this tradition of getting ice cream after dance lessons and I couldn't appreciate Rosy's stubbornness enough for it.

"Bellamy!" I squealed as I read the text message my mom sent me. "It's NYU. Mom just checked the mail and it has my package."

The smile on his face was equally as big smile as mine and I knew I was resembling the cashire cat. Rosy however was in a world of her own, mumbling some words to herself or her imaginary friend while scrapping the walls of her container.

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