Chapter 22 | Ordinary People

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I had to get Luke out of here. I didn't know what I was doing and with all the weird decisions I was making someone could easily mistake me for a hormonal pregnant woman. Will birth control pills stop the erratic decisions I was making?

"What's wrong?" Luke asked like making out with him after telling him I don't feel like that for him was no big deal.

"Are you alright?" I didn't quite know how this would sound out loud but it definitely didn't come out right.

He smiled and shifted on my bed where he sat while I stood by the door, ready to run if I had to.

"After kissing you why won't I be but are you alright? So will you be my girlfriend or best friend?"

I nearly choked at that word. Not nearly though, I could tell if I was choking on air or spit but I could breath and Luke was rubbing my back and probably saying something I couldn't register because of this near death experience.

After I recovered I found myself on the floor with Luke beside me. His hand gently rubbed my back this time and I couldn't help but notice how my body had no response to it or him.

I sighed deeply. What I felt with Bellamy, I never felt that before. Not even with Keith...

I shivered at the memories that were forcing there way out from the locker in the back of my head. I need a distraction.

A distraction from bad boys.

I was with one and I slept with another and found myself attracted to her another one.

I have a really really really bad choice.

Luke was waiting for me to say something. I think he even just said something in but I wasn't listening. This day can't get anymore complicated.

Brianna said Luke never had a real relationship. He was always sex-driven. More than Bellamy for that matter but he said he stopped. I wish he hadn't. It would've made everything so easy for me. I wouldn't feel guilty for doing this to him but I have to get over Bellamy.

"Blake say something," he prompted me. I looked into his eyes.

"I know you don't like me like that but gave me a chance at least." Why was he being desperate?

"Are you betting on me?" I asked like he would actually come clean. He started to laugh.

"I'm bad at this stuff and you're awfully quiet and confusing. Can we try things out?" he suggested again.

"You sound really desperate." I laughed out.

Embarrassment washed over his face and I couldn't tell if I was being blunt or rude. Probably both.

"Forget it, you're just playing with me. I should've figured." My jaw dropped when I realized he was being serious.

He took his things and marched out of the door while I just stayed planted on the floor.

And I thought I was being hormonal today.

I bolted when I heard the front door open. Was I really going to run after him? Yes.

"Luke! Wait!" I slid in front of the door of the car to block him.

"What?" he looked everywhere but me and his eyebrows were furrowed.

"I'm just confused." I blurted out.

"It's been two hours already and I'm just looking at your gorgeous face waiting for a reply and you're doing everything but telling me what I want to hear!" he shouted out.

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