Blind Love Pt. 2

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Your P.O.V:

"Hey!" I hear a voice say behind me. I turn my head to were the voice was coming from.

"Yes?" I ask the voice.

"Laurens mine. Okay?!" says the voice.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Oh playing dumb, I see." they say.

"No. I'm blind. I can't see you." I say.

The voice is quite but soon laughs.

"I'm sorry for getting all defense then, there's no way Lauren would fall for a disabled like you. I mean look at you! God made sure that you weren't good enough-" he gets cut of by a voice.

"Get away from her brad!" a familiar voice yells.

"Oh L-Lauren I can explain, you see-" he gets cut off again.

"If I ever hear or see you talking to her again, I. Will. Hurt. You." she says sternly and I hear him quickly scurry off. Lauren sighs and sits down while laying her head on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry about that, he's such an ass." she says and I laugh.

"Its okay lauren, and thank you for standing up for me like that." I say with a smile.

Shes quite for a moment and snuggles into my shoulder.

Suddenly ringing blares through the school and I feel pressure leave my shoulder.

"Lets go Y/n, its time for second period." Lauren giggles as she takes my hand and guides me to the next class.

/////skip to lunch/////

Lauren P.O.V:

I guide Y/n to the lunch table that the girls and I sit at and sit her down.

"Hey Y/n!" they girls say in sync. She giggles adorably and smile.

"Hey girls" she responds.

"I'll be back Y/n, I'll get our food." I say.

"I can get it lauren" she say with a smile and I smile widely.

"It would be my pleasure" I respond and walk to get our food.

I arrive back to see the girls conversing with Y/n. I place the tray in front of her and she gives me a heartwarming thank you, I sit down next to her and start to eat.

"So y/n, how are you liking school so far?" asks normani.

"Well its been eventful that's for sure" she says with a laugh.

"But all in all its been great and lauren has been a huge help" she says which causes me to blush.

"Aw, little lauren is blushing" dinah says and I send her a death glare which ended up making her laugh. I see y/n smile and she starts to speak.

"Well lauren, I bet you have a beautiful blush" she says as she starts to eat, I blush madly but smile widely.

"I ship it so hard!" dinah and normani yell which causes y/n to blush lightly and smile.

"Your already hitting on one of my best friends Y/n?" ally asks with a smile. Y/n chuckles and blushes.

"A little bit" she responds which causes me to fist pump the air, the girls giggle at my actions.

"Hey Y/n, the girls and I are going to my house after school, do you want to come? My parents and siblings are out of town for the weekend" asks dinah and Y/n smiles.

"I would love to dinah, thank you for asking." she says as she takes out her phone.

"Siri, text Aunt May, that I will be with ally and some friends after school so I wont be home for a little bit." she says into the phone and I watch as the text message is sent to her aunt.

"Did it send to the right person?" she asks me.

"Yeah why?" I ask.

"Well usually it plays back to me what I said and once I sent a message to Jimmy Johns instead of the person I wanted to text" she says with a smile and the girls and I laugh. Soon the bell rings and the girls and I help Y/n out of the busy lunch room.

/////after school/at Dinah's/////

"Can you guys believe that prom is in two weeks?" asks Ally as we sit in the living room of dinahs house.

"Yeah, I just got asked today" replies dinah.

"Who?" I ask and she blushes.

"Zayn from my biology class..." she says and I gasp.

"Zayn?!" I say as my mouth gaps open.

"You take Biology?" questions Y/n, I snort at her question and look at her.

"Out of everything she just said, you only heard 'Biology'?" I ask and she giggles.

"Sorry, it just that its a hard class and by the way dinah was talking about her grades earlier, I was just wondering why she took that class" she smiles. Dinah playfully glares at her and smiles.

"Are you saying I'm not smart enough to take that class?" she asks as she takes the pillow from behind her and holds onto it.

"No, you said that." Y/n replies and dinah rolls her eyes.

"Here I am, thinking that you would be the one person that wouldn't judge me" dinah giggles and y/n laughs.

"You thought wrong!" dinah laughs while gently tossing the pillow at Y/n and it hits her softly in the face. She laughs and holds her heart in fake pain.

"Ugh! The pain is to much to bare!" she says dramatically and I wrap my arms around her.

"Noooo!" I yell while smiling. Y/n laughs and hugs me while pulling me onto her. I scream playfully while laughing and trying to break free from her grasp. I finally give up and sit in her lap. Its silent for a moment as I lay my head on her shoulder.

"That was the cutest thing I've ever seen" ally says as I look over I see dinah has recorded us and was playing the video. Y/n laughs and smiles widely.

"Alright enough cuteness! Lauren I need to know if you have found a date and figured out how to slow dance yet!" normani asks and I shake my head no.

"I haven't done either." I groan as I cuddle up next to Y/n.

"Well maybe I can help with the slow dancing part?" asks Y/n.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot! Y/n is a slow dancing pro!" ally says and I look at Y/n.

"Really?" I ask and she nods.

"Want me to teach you?" she asks and I instantly nod.

"Yes please!" I say excitedly, she smiles.

"Why don't you do it now?" asks ally and I blush.

"If lauren wants to than sure." Y/n says and they all wait for my answer.

"Alright, why not" I say as I reluctantly get up from my comfy spot on Y/n. She soon gets up and dinah squeals.

"I get to record another Y/S/N moment!" she yells happily as she puts on a slow song, I laugh and I help y/n to the middle of the room.

(play song above now)

Y/n places her hands on my waist and I wrap my arms around her shoulders, soon she starts to sway us side to side softly. I blush at her but soon lay my head on her shoulder and close my eyes.

(now imagine you and lauren slow dancing to this and the girls watching in awe and dinah recording you two while listening to this song. When the song ends read this part)

After the song ends, Y/n lets go of me and I frown while looking at her. She smiles and giggles.

"See? Its not that hard." I smile and laugh.

"Thank you Y/n, that helped a lot" I say as I guide her back to the couch.

"Hey Y/n..." I say

"Yes?" she asks.

"I think you might be able to help me with my date problem..." I say and I see her blush.

"H-How?" She stutters out.

"Y/n, will you..."

To be continued...

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