It Was All For Me

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(Recommended: play song while reading)

Your P.O.V:

I felt like I lost everything.

My friends.

My family.

My home.

The love of my life.

As of right now I'm just staring at lauren, as she covers herself with bedsheets and the man does the same.

"Y/n! It's not what it-" she starts but I cut her off as the girls walk into the room, looking at lauren and I, with their heads down.

They knew...

"The first time I saw you..." I pause and look at her, her eyes pleading.

"I had never seen anything so perfect" I say as I walk to the closet and grab my duffle bag.

"I remember thinking that I had to have you or I'd die" I continue on as I open the bag and start placing my belongings in it.

"Then you whispered that you loved me" my voice cracks at the end and tears cascaded down my face as I continue to place my stuff in the bag. Lauren has gotten out of bed and dressed herself while trying to stop me from leaving.

"I peaceful" I say and lauren finally uses her voice.

She grabs my shoulders, making me look into her eyes.

"Let me explain!" she says her eyes continue to plead. I'm quiet for a moment and break out of her gaze.

"I hate you...I hate you so much..." I whisper as my voice starts cracking again and I look back to find her shocked and heartbroken.

"You don't mean that..." she says and I shut my eyes, trying to hold back tears.

"I should!" I yell and wiggle myself out of her grip.

"I should hate you!" I yell again and look at the man, realizing who he was.

My bosses son?

This doesn't make sense... They've never met...

Ally seemed to figure out that I finally knew who the man was and started to speak.

"Lauren did this for you" ally said and I look at her, dumbfounded.

"All your life you wanted two things, your dream job and someone to fall in love with and grow old with." she says and dinah starts to speak.

"This asshole over here threatened to fire you if lauren didn't sleep with him once." she says as she turns her hand into a fist.

I look at lauren to see her broke-down and crying

"But- but how did he know what you looked like?" I ask, remembering that he had never met her, normani started to speak.

"Well lauren is in a world-wide known band and also his dad owns the company you work for so that means-" I cut her off by finishing the sentence.

"He can get into my spousal/emergency contact info" I say with anger soon rising.

"Well I should go..." he says as he tries to pull his pants on quicker.

"Dinah?" I ask as I death glare him.

"Yeah?" she asks back.

"Give him a poly beat down" I say and she smiles.

"With pleasure" she says with an sinister chuckle and chases the guy out of the room, with ally and normani also running after him.

I look behind me to find lauren still crying uncontrollably, I quickly bend down and hold her.

" didn't have to do this" I say as I kiss the side of her head.

"B-B-But it's y-your dream! You protected mine!" she yells into my chest as she continues crying.

"Greens eyes, look at me" I say and she slowly looks up, my y/e/c eyes meeting green.

"I never want to do that to yourself again, alright? There's a million jobs out there, but only one of you" I say as I lean down and kiss her forehead.

"I can live without my dream job...but I can't live without you" I whisper against her skin.

She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me passionately.

When air became a problem we disconnect and I stand up, picking her up, wrapping her legs around my waist, and taking her downstairs.

When we reach the bottom step we hear yelling from outside, know that the girls were dealing with the fuckboy.

I take her to the couch and sit down, her front laying on mine, her head on my shoulder, and face snuggled into my neck.

I place soft kisses up and down her neck, saying 'I love you' after each one.

After a few minutes, I whisper in her ear.

"My number one dream was my job before I met you, now all I want to do is grow old with you, and laugh until our denchers fall out" I whisper and she giggles.

"I'm going to have denchers?" she asks.

"Well I defiantly will, have you seen my candy intake?" I say and she laughs while leaning up and pressing our foreheads together.

"I'm sorry..." she whispers and I smile at her.

"I know, but don't worry, you only made me believe in our future more" I say and she smiles widely and bends down, kissing me softly.

This is a story for the grandkids.

Lauren Imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang