Do You Ever Just...

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This song fits and idk why...

Lauren's P.O.V:

"Do you ever just smile?

Not because of a funny show or because of a meme on Instagram.

Just because a person in your life is simply is in the room.

Just sitting there, being themselves.

And yet, you smile.

Because they're their.

In your home.

In your life.

With you.

You smile as the yawn after a long day of cuddling and kisses, while stretching adorably, their shirt raising a little.

They look over to only catch your eyes with theirs, you both crack a smile and giggle.

Do you ever just watch?

As they sleep soundly next to you, their chest rising slowly.

You just watch as they continue to breath, making sure it doesn't stop.

Afraid to shut your eyes because that could be the last time you look at them.

So you just stay up all hours of the night, watching, making sure they're okay.

Do you ever just call?

You know that call you make, just to hear their voice, to calm you down or make you forget the day for a few minutes.

For you to just call and hear the three words that everyone wants to hear.

'I love you'

Hehe...sorry just thinking about her saying it makes me happy...


I'm really happy.

I don't think I could be any happier, she could simply sneeze and I'm falling harder for her.

After Camila left the band, I thought that I was going to lose everything... That I was going to lose the grip in the band and become a 'has been'.

Until I met this girl at the kids choice awards, taking pictures of all the artists for Buzz Feed... she just caught my eye and I was stuck on her uplifting spirit.

When she made her way to us for pictures, I got really nervous, you can tell if you look back on the pictures.

After we finished I followed her and started talking to her anything I could think of, not wanting her to walk away.

Finally she just giggle and handed me a folded piece of a paper with her number on it.

From that day on, my life changed for the better...

Do you ever just...


Lauren Imagines Where stories live. Discover now