The Signs when watching a movie in th cinema

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Aries: Are they gonna fight? I mean I know we came here to watch a movie I'm all for watching a fight.

Taurus: Shut up. Some people are trying to watch a movie. That's so inconsiderate. [talking to Gemini]

Gemini: HE'S THE BAD GUY (points to the screen)

Cancer: Who ate all the popcorn?


Virgo: You did, dumbass. Now shut your face. I'm trying understand the movie. [talking to Cancer]

Libra: I need to pee. Get out of my way (steps on Leo's phone on the way out).

Scorpio: I would help you look for it but I don't care. Now shush. [talking to Leo]

Sagittarius: Found your phone. [Laughs uncontrollably and gets them all kicked out].

Capricorn: They're not gonna fucking fight. Shut the fuck up for once and watch the goddamn movie I payed for.

Aquarius: I'll help you, Leo. But can we wait until after the movie?

Pisces: I'm never going to the movies with any of you ever again. [talking to Sagittarius]

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