Chapter Five

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A banging on my door is what has me clearing my head from the dream I was wrapped up in.

"Ashton! Get your sorry ass out of that bed right now!" Anthony's urgent voice carries through the door, letting me know whatever's happened is serious.

I quickly stand up and run my hand through my hair on my way to the door.

As soon as the lock is turned on the doorknob, Antony shoves his way inside the room. He slams the door behind him and quickly jumps into explaining.

"There's a fight, out back, Nora, in a fight, with Harper." His sentence takes a second with how out of breath he is, but he manages to get it out quickly.

"Why the fuck is Nora fighting Harper?" I pull on a clean shirt and a pair of shoes, my running shorts will have to do.

I rush down the stairs and to the back door, Anthony following close on my tail.

When I get outside I see what Anthony meant, theres a large circle around the two, the pack members all shouting different things. I shove my way through until I'm standing on the outside.

Harper looks scared to death while Nora looks as though she's the queen of the world. I jog out and stand in front of Harper, my hand reaching behind me to make sure she doesn't try to rush out.

With how terrified she looks, I don't have any doubt she'll listen.

Nora's smug look quickly disappears when she sees me protecting Harper, but she doesn't let it show for more than a second, picking herself back up to make it look like she's not worried.

I know better than to believe her.

"Nora you better start explaining what the fuck is going on right now." I can feel the dominant stance that I'm in, the way my wolf is pushing at the walls of my mind, pacing back and forth.

"She started running her mouth about how you slept with her, how after you took her on a little drive you took her to a hotel and had a great time!" She looks around the group of people surrounding us, as though she needs to confirmation.

Little sounds of agreement come throughout the pack, making me more pissed than I already was. I know I haven't been the best Alpha in the world but the fact they think I'd dishonor my mate like that hurts more than I figured it would.

"That's not true!" Harper sounds close to tears, which makes me realize I have to wrap this up quick, she doesn't need their eyes on her any longer.

"Nora you're out of the pack, it's done." I leave no room for argument, making sure my voice sounds final.

The shock plays on her face, clear as day.

"Y-you can't do that!" She screams at me, making the pack all gasp. I'm still the Alpha, I still have the respect of their wolves.

I let my wolf push through slightly, his low growl of warning goes through the woods, echoing back to us.

She ignores it, instead turning her attention to Harper.

"You bitch! You should be banned not me!" Harper whimpers slightly in fear, but before I can say anything to defend her, Nora shifts into her wolf on the spot. Her clothes fall into pieces around her, the tan wolf standing in the middle of them barely comes up to my stomach.

She growls and rushes at Harper. I intercept her, grabbing the back of her neck and yanking as hard as I can. She whines loudly but isn't deterred. She makes another try at Harper, this time getting close enough to leave a gash on her arm with the long claws of her wolf.

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