Chapter Six

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I shove my nose into the ground, sniffing inside the rabbit hole for anything that hints at life. I saw the rabbit go in there, I know I did. 

I growl and dig at the hole more, trying to make it bigger. I don't hear any life in there, but that doesn't discourage me. I've almost got most of the hole dug out, I can see the rabbit now. He's hiding at the very end of the tunnel he's dug.

I shove my nose back down, getting dirt and mud all over my muzzle. I snap my jaws, trying to catch the rabbit who is now glued to the wall. I snarl at it and just as I'm about to go for a grab at its tail I hear a howl.

My wolf immediately lifts its head, looking towards where it came from. My ears twitch, waiting for another sound. It comes, the howl sounding closer this time. My wolf recognizes it, slowly lifting his nose to the air he lets out a low and long howl.

I hear footsteps running towards me and stand tall, ignoring the rabbit who now scurries out of the hole and runs away.

Anthony's tan wolf appears through the bushes, he comes to a stop in front of me, panting with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. He wags his tail in the air, shaking his fur out he let outs a small bark.

My wolf perks up at the thought of running with his beta. Pack's thrive on the connection between pack members, they're very social animals. 

I lift my nose into the air again, letting out a long howl that Anthony quickly joins in on. I take off running, weaving in and out of the trees. Anthony runs beside me, keeping pace evenly. I sniff the bushes as I run past, smelling for a rabbit or a squirrel.

My wolf hasn't had a hunt in a very long time, he needs the excitement. Anthony catches a scent before I do, breaking off suddenly and following it. I follow him, this is his hunt I won't take over, I'd just like to watch. 

He isn't running full speed, but he's close. He follows the scent through the woods, out into the meadow I came in through. Suddenly he jumps into the air and pounces on something in the weeds. He looks like a fucking fox playing in snow right now.

I slow to a trot before ultimately stopping, watching in confusion as he bunny hops through the tall weeds in the meadow. 

He's just about as tall as the weeds, the color of his fur blending in with the light tan and yellow brush. I laugh internally as I see the weeds move as he sneaks around. I watch as they get closer to me. 

I don't know if he thinks he's being stealthy but just as he pounces out of the weeds I step slightly the right, making him go tumbling past me.

I stand up and shake out my fur, walking through the weeds Anthony was just in the tall weeds only come up to a little past my shoulder. I head back to where I left my clothes and shift back. I hear Anthony behind me but he keeps going towards where my car is parked.

When I'm fully clothed again I head back to the car, Anthony is there waiting for me. 

"Get your ass off my car." I tell him as I pass him, he's going to leave a dent in the hood.

He laughs and slides off, following me to my door.

"Your wolf is childish." Is all I say before I get in my car and shut the door. I hear him laughing harder through the window. 

I wait until he gets into the car behind me before starting the car and driving off. If Anthony is out here that must mean the trainer is done. 

I didn't want to go back before while they were still training and distract them, that was ultimately what made me think to go for a run. I'm glad I did, my wolf needed this. There weren't any people around that I know of, he behaved himself a lot better than I figured he would.

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