Chapter Seven

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I'm really sorry that I haven't uploaded in so long, with school and work its hard to actually find time to just sit down and write. I hope this chapter makes up for it! I know it's not terribly long, just thought it was more overdo. I'm already working on the next chapter, it should be up soon!

Hope you enjoy. xx


Darkness gets old after a while. There are actually a lot of stages that go into darkness, you wouldn't know that just by the name though. You wouldn't even know it if you were in it for a short period of time. 

You would have to be in the darkness for a long time, a few weeks, months even. It's not an easy task to put on even the strongest man or woman. 

In the first stage, you're confused. You don't understand why it's so dark, you don't understand what happened to make it so dark. One minutes you see the light blue sky, the clouds, and the sun all smiling back at you, and then the next, you're sat in a pitch black area with no light in sight. 

The confusion quickly transforms, bringing you into the second stage. That's the fear. The fear of why it's so dark, of what lies in the dark waiting for you to move closer. For me, it's not what lies in the dark, not even why it's so dark. For me, it's why I haven't been able to think beyond the darkness. 

I have moments, moments where I think of things beyond the blackness that surrounds me. I picture the people that I would hang out with, the people in my pack. Sometimes I picture my parents, or I'll imagine the wolf that lies inside of me.

It's always the same though, I'll have these memories but as soon as I realize that I'm actually thinking beyond my situation, they disappear. Leaving me with a sort of loneliness no one should have to endure. 

The following stage is the acceptance. You learn to accept that it's not going away any time soon. It's been here for longer than I care to admit, and it will most likely be here for longer than I care to think about. 

I don't know why I'm here, or what happened to put me here. All I know is it's all consuming. 

I try to picture my wolf, imagining it running through the forest. It's long legs stretching in front of it, weaving in between the trees, it's tongue hanging out the side of its mouth. 

The rabbit it chases a few feet in front, close enough to nip at its legs as it runs, far enough you'll never catch it. The wolf stops suddenly, hearing the howl that echoes throughout the forest, making birds flutter out of the trees overhead. 

On a dime, the wolf turns and runs towards the howl, listening for any sound that would tip it off on which way to go. 

The howl sounds again, sounding just as far away. The wolf is going in the right direction, the howl sounding in front of it. The howl continues, every few seconds the same howl, the same tone, the same message.

Never getting closer, never figuring out what it wants. 

The image fades, the wolf fading into the darkness that I'm surrounded by. I feel myself slipping further and further from consciousness. My brain slowing down as my blood heats up with whatever is inside of me. 

I allow it to happen, I've learned long ago that fighting it isn't what I want. When I allow it to pull me under, to take me away from the thoughts that plague my mind, I can dream. I can dream of the life I had, the life I want back. 

I can dream of Ashton.


So I know I was kind of vague, but if you haven't figured it out yet this is in Madeline's point of view. I made it super short just for the purpose of getting a tiny bit of insight into what she's going through. 

I know it's sort of repetitive but I wrote this in a short amount of time, I'm going to go back over it soon and add a few more details.

Either way, I hope you enjoyed!

-Skittles xx

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