Chapter Eight

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"I swear to god if you touch me again I will break your hand." I give Anthony a sideways glare, waiting until he removes his hand from my arm.

I roll my shoulders, pulling my leather jacket up higher on my arms. The weather took a sharp turn from being sunny and hot yesterday. Today everyone is huddled up inside with blankets and jackets.

I sigh and watch the puff of air that comes out in the brisk weather.

Me and Anthony have been at this place since around five in the morning. This guy, Jason Reynolds, has been hanging around our pack for a few days. I don't know who he is, I asked a few of the teenagers he hangs out with and they all said he was new to town, looking for a pack to join.

He's a rogue, but he hasn't made any moves yet that would make an attack warranted. It doesn't mean I won't keep an eye on him though. With there being a hit out on me, I know that I have to keep every new person in my sights.

Hell, even people I know could turn on me for the reward.

We watch as the kid laughs, he's been hitting on this girl in the diner for the last hour, she seemed uncomfortable at first but now she seems to be warming up to him. He reaches over and grabs a lock of her hair, she backs off a little but he doesn't seem to care.

He writes something on a napkin and slides it to her, then turns and walks out of the diner. The girl grabs the napkin and crumples it into a ball, throwing into the trash on her way to a customer.

The kid walks down the street towards us, we have hoods on but I can still tell that he recognizes us when he looks over. His steps stutter slightly, surprise flicking through his features before he schools his expression.

"A-alpha Kane. Surprise seeing you this far out. You are aware of the hit on you right now, right?" Bold kid to talk to an Alpha that way. He walks closer to us, although slowly, cautiously almost.

"Yes, I'm aware." I don't offer any explanations as to why I'm this far out, instead I give him a watchful glare, waiting for him to speak.

"Right, well I should get going." He turns on his heel and briskly walks away from us, down the street.

We weren't wanting a conversation with the kid, we only wanted him to be aware of our presence. Most people back off for the most part when they realize they're on the radar.

I turn to look at Anthony and get in the car. I turn the car to head back towards the house, we have a lot of work to do. I don't want to spend all of my time watching this kid but it's important seeing as he's new.

It's only a thirty minute drive back to the house but when we get there all I see is chaos. People are running out of the house coughing, crying, or screaming.

Parents carry their children close to them, looking around for help.

My eyes move to the pack house, smoke is coming out of the windows, flames roaring above the top of the house at the back.

Some windows have either been opened or shattered, flames lap out of them into the sky.

I slam on the breaks, opening my door and rush out. I rush past the people sitting on the grass, pushing my way into the house.

The only thought in my head is that I have to make sure no one is stuck inside.

There is fire everywhere, there are parts where the ceiling has collapsed in on itself, but it's not too bad yet - thankfully.

I crouch and stay low to the ground, using the sleeve of my jacket to cover my nose and mouth. It doesn't do much good, but it's better than nothing.

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