To Forget The Past: II

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Shutting the door I walked into the house, suddenly being hit with the cold air, cooling down my sun-kissed skin. It was extremely hot for the start of summer, already in it's higher 80s, and I couldn't wait to leave it all behind for a couple of months. Not just the weather. But everything.

I sluggishly walked up the stairs, slightly dragging my feet as I carried myself down the hallway and into my room. Once shutting the door I sighed loudly, throwing down my Nike bag with a loud thud as the soccer ball inside collided with the carpet-covered floor. Gently tossing my camera onto my bed, making sure it wouldn't bounce off and break. I sat down on the bay window on the other side of the room, facing out towards the road, covered by large trees.

"Everest!" I heard my dad shout, I waited a few seconds until my bedroom door opened slowly and my dad's head followed, looking in. The door was wide as he lied against the frame. He raised an eyebrow, causing me to chuckle.

"I'm fine, dad." My dad was the type of father to not have to ask questions, I knew exactly what he was asking by just how his facial expression was and the look in his blue eyes.

He only nodded, filling the room with silence. I looked out the window watching a few birds fly by, almost looking pure black from the sun glaring behind them. "Why are you going?"

I snapped my head towards my dad. His voice was filled with emotion and I knew he was thinking it was because of him and something he had done. It wasn't.

"Dad..." I glanced down quick but was brought back up by the sound of my bed springs getting pressure on them. Looking at my dad who was now sitting on my bed, legs thrown off as he put his elbows on his knees while his head was resting on his hands. "We already talked about this..." My voice barely came out a whisper but I knew he heard when he slightly nodded.

"I know, sweetie, but you've never answered clearly." I guess I never really have, maybe I didn't really know why I wanted to go.

"It's not because of you," I paused, picking at the hangnail on my left thumb. "or mom," I added, knowing he'd ask that.

"Then, why?" His voice was brittle which caused a pain to arise in my chest. I stayed quiet for a few minutes, letting the silence surround us until I finally spoke up.

"Dad, I'm seventeen, turning eighteen in only two months. Before I go off to college, I want to stop and look around me. See what the world has to offer. You have to understand."

I looked up, still playing with the hangnail and watched as my dad only nodded slowly, got up, and walked out of the room. He had to understand.

Taking my iPhone 7 out of the back pocket of my jeans, I pushed my knees up to my chest and turned on my phone. Letting it scan my fingerprint, it opened and showed only a few apps.

My friends always asked why I didn't have any games on my phone, said it was a waste of an iPhone. I only replied with games would only make me be dragged on my phone all the time, not seeing the world. Yeah, I'm one of those people.

Tapping on Instagram I scrolled through the posts of those who I follow; mostly friends along with some Youtubers.

The most recent photo popped up, Lizakoshy. A picture of her bending down smiling while petting an elder dog. Quickly double tapping, I continued scrolling, passing a random combination of selfies from friends, pictures of Youtubers, and inspirational quotes. Every few posts I'd double tap the screen and move on.

My phone buzzed, dragging my attention away from Instagram. A notification popped up, it was from Kane.

>> So, have an answer for me?

To Forget The Past (Draft 1)Where stories live. Discover now