To Forget The Past: XXV

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It was around midnight as Kane and I finally reached Isaac's house, and I was absolutely exhausted and only wanted to take a shower and to just pass out afterwards.

I put my hand on the front door nob, turning it and started walking into the dark—slightly creepy—house, but jumped when the lights suddenly turned on, revealing Isaac standing with his arms crossed.

"Shit," I yelped, backing into Kane, who had a very tired, confused look on his face.

"It's midnight! You guys didn't even text me telling me you were still alive" Isaac whisper-screamed, making me laughing.

"Wha-why are you laughing, this is serious!" Isaac demanded.

"Okay, well, sorry, mom" I said, rolling my eyes, even my mum wasn't like this, she couldn't care less what time I got home.

I continued, Kane chuckling behind me, "It's kinda hard to take you serious with your Princess pajamas..." I said, laughing.

Isaac looked taken aback, before glaring at me. "You know what, fine, I'm going to sleep, don't even talk to me" Isaac said dramatically before turning to walk to the second floor.

"I was only worried that you both had died, but oh noooo, the only thing that you can worry about is my sick-ass pajamas." Isaac shouted as he continued walking up the carpeted stairs.

"Oh, my god" I laughed out, Kane laughing behind me. "Why do I always have to find the weird friends?" I asked rhetorically, shaking my head laughing.

"Except me," Kane spoke

I turned towards him, completely aware of how ugly and tired I looked. "Oh, you're weird" I reassured him.

"I know that, I'm just not your friend" He said with a small smirk.

"Uh, what are you then?" I asked, way too tired to function.

"Your prince in shinning armour" He said, repeating what Isaac had said a few days ago.

  I rolled my eyes, "Oh, yeah, definitely." I said sarcastically, but fought the smile creeping onto my lips.


"Guuuuuys," Isaac whined, "this is unfair!"

Kane and I laughed as we stared at the plasma tv, both taking the black couch, two Xbox controllers in our hands, while Isaac sat on the floor, a controller in his hand, but I swear he was about to just throw it.

"What?" I muffled my laughter, trying to seem innocent.

Kane took out the copy of Call of Duty I we bought days earlier, asking Isaac if he owned an Xbox, he did. Now, Kane, Isaac, and I were all playing COD, free-for-all just against us, but Kane and I had decided to team up.

"You guys keep killing me!" Isaac complained childishly, making Kane laugh again, while he quickly spawn killed him.

I dolphin dived through a door, landing on the opening of a bus, aiming my gun at the garage door, immediately Isaac walking through it as I pressed the right trigger.

"Kane, was that you?" Isaac shouted angrily, making me burst into laughter all over again.

"Nope," I said, smirking.

"Evereeeeessttt," He dragged out my name all whiningly. "I thought we were friends"


Isaac scoffed, "Wooooooow" he said dramatically. "Fine, I'm done, have fun with Kane" He spoke irritated, setting down his controller and walked out of the room, annoyance clearly written all over his face.

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