Chapter One

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3078, 11 Years Since The Takeover

"Rise and shine, delinquents." A pale creature bangs on the cell door, awaking Lola from her deep slumber.

Her cell mate, Cade rose reluctantly, sitting on his bed and facing the strange creature, yet Lola refused to get up.

"I know you're awake." The creature snarled at Lola, reaching into the cell and swiping her across the face with sharp claws.

Lola sat up, slowly, facing the ugly looking creature with narrow eyes. She let the blood from the scratch slowly drip down her cheek as if she felt nothing.

"There's that gorgeous face I love." The creature flirted, like it usually did when it saw a female.

Lola inhaled deeply and wiped some of the blood from her cheek, "back off." She growled.

"Whatever you say, but just so you know, I like them feisty." The creature smirked, as Lola stood from her worn down mattress.

"I SAID BACK OFF!" She shouted, placing her hands on the cell bars.

The monster rolled its eyes, "alright, whatever you say, Miss Hellmen. Both of you should know if you don't agree to start training soon you'll be transported to a camp."

"I don't care what you cold blooded freaks do to me." Lola snapped, plopping back down on the mattress.

"Watch your attitude." The creature snarled before walking to the next cell.

"I don't want to go to one of those camps, Lola." Cade whimpered after the monster had gotten out of sight.

"Good for you." Lola growled, ripping off a corner of the dirty sheet and placing it onto the cheek to stop the blood.

"Why do you stand up to them? Why not just listen?" Cade questioned, a bright attitude like usual.

Lola sighed, "because i'm not going to obey the people who killed my whole family."

"But I thought they didn't kill your dad? Only captured him?" Cade continued to question.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, WOULD YOU?" Lola snapped, laying down on the so called bed.

"Sorry I bothered you..." Cade mumbled, laying down as well.

Hemenshlavio, Monster HQ

"What about the Hellmen child?" Amon, leader of the operation questions his second in command, Alex.

"She as well as 6 other juveniles are being sent to a labor camp at exactly 7:00 PM." Alex informed her leader.

"Good. That Hellmen child didn't deserve the position we put her in." Amon growled, remembering how it had taken 2 years to find Lola, and when she was offered the best human position, she denied it.

"Little bitch." Alex mumbled under her breath, tucking a strand of her purple hair behind her ear.

Amon stood up, pushing the chair backward into a large window and adjusting his tie. He walked off down the steps into the security room.

"Switch the cameras to cell 186b, Yarianna." He commanded, knocking a small vampire off its chair as he sat down.

"Yes sir." A creature obeyed, clicking a few buttons to create a large display of Cade and Lola.

Yarianna (Human Training Prison)

Lola fiddled with the cell door, in attempts to escape. She froze when she heard the small beeps of the camera, she turned around, and held a middle finger to the camera before smashing it with her foot.

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