Chapter Four

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Hemenshlavio (Monster HQ)

Ever since the news of Lola Hellmen and Cade Johnstern escaping one of the most secure cell facilities, all camps, prisons, and even the mighty Hemenshlavio had been on serious lock down. Amon sat in a large throne-like chair, his long black trench coat hanging off to one side.

The dreaded white eyed shapeshifter strutted into the room, and placed down several black and white prints of the Yerianna control room. The prints showed a picture of a teenager, about 17, he was holding a large rifle.

"We believe there's a group of free humans in this area, and the two teenagers are with them." Alex said, inferring to Cade and Lola.

Amon took a closer look at the photos, and all of a sudden he went slightly wide-eyed, and crumbled it up, throwing it behind him.

"Is there something wrong sir?" Alex questioned.

"No." Amon responded flatly, sitting back properly in his chair.

"The cargo ship went down at exactly 3:56 AM. Those pictures were taken at 3:27 AM. It gave the boy the perfect amount of time to recuse Hellmen and Johnstern." Alex informed her master, sitting down in a chair and swerving it around.

"Do we know how the cargo ship was destroyed?" Asked Amon, looking at Alex.

"No. All we know is that there was another ship. A big one as well. My theory is there's still a rebellion organization in this area." Alex said.

"No, we wiped all of them out!" Amon pounded his fist against the table.

"I guess we didn't. Or a few rouges were transferred from one of the organizations in Tureen." Alex thought about multiple organizations, trying to defeat them.

Amon only nodded. He questioned if the two teenagers known as Cade and Lola were still alive, and he ever so slightly hoped they were. Amon knew something about Cade no other monster, human, or even Cade himself knew.


Angel stood up, lightly frightened. She couldn't see or hear anything, besides slow footsteps inching up to her. She felt a cold hand wrap around her arm, and she shrieked, only to have the same hand go across her mouth.

"Shh," Whispered a voice. It wasn't the usual deep, hoarse voice of one of the creatures that attended to Angel, this voice was higher pitched, and it sounded like a female.

"Come on!" The mysterious person yanked on Angel's arm, practically dragging her out the small, dark room. Confused, yet somewhat excited, Angel allowed the person to drag her out of the room. She hoped this was a new start. A gift, but little did she know, she was wrong.

The Rebellion

After training, Lola and Cade were assigned sleeping quarters. As Lola walked into the slightly awkward decorated room, she noticed a raven haired girl with bleached blonde highlights. The girl looked up quickly, only to slightly wave then look back down. Lola had no expression as she walked into the small room and set down her stuff onto a twin sized bed.

The raven haired girl turned to Lola, stared for quick moment, then quietly said, "I'm Luna."

Lola looked over, eyeing the girl, then slightly nodding. "I'm Lola."

Luna's eyes lit up, and her body perked up instead of slouching. "You mean, you're THE Lola Hellmen?" She questioned.

Lola tilted her head, and slowly nodded. "Yeah?" She answered, a bit puzzled.

"I've read so much about you!" Luna exclaimed.

"That's... nice..." Lola gave a slight smile before sitting down onto her bed.

"Can you tell me more about you? Like where you think your father is!?" Luna have a shy smile.

Lola rolled her eyes, and turned, "I would prefer not to." She snapped, and Luna quickly nodded and looked back down.

Cade walked into his slightly bigger room. It was dirty, laundry everywhere, and trash all over the floor. A teenage boy, about three years older than him sat in a rusted chair in the corner of the room. The teenager only looked up slightly, rolled his eyes, and continued to do what he was doing.

"Hi..." Cade said hesitantly.

"Hey." The boy said carelessly, not even looking up.

Being the sensitive self he is, Cade sat on the bed awkward, for a night full of silence.


The alarms seemed to get louder and louder as Dakota ran through the endless hallways of the rundown labor camp. Angel was not too far behind her, being pulled by the force of Dakota's hand. Neither of the girls knew where they were going, but anything was better than the hell they already lived in.

Gunshots, as well as shouts of creatures were getting louder, closer. They came to a dead end.

"Where do we go?!" Angel cried, fear obvious in her voice.

No response.

"Hello?!" She shouted at Dakota.

"Shh." Dakota whispered.

"They're coming closer!" Angel shouted, unable to contain herself.

"I got it." Dakota assured her, slightly annoyed.

As the stomps of creatures got closer, Dakota smirked to herself as she pulled out a small gun from her belt. She aimed it at the wall, and quickly shot. It was no more than a minute later when the wall began to disintegrate with a red ooze. It crumbled to ashes in a span of 2 minutes, and Dakota grabbed Angel, quickly dashing outside of the building. She dragged Angel further away from the building. To freedom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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