Chapter Two

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"No," Lola protested, keeping the gun on Blade.

"Look, if you don't, we will gladly put you back where you were supposed to go." Blade informed them, inching closer to Lola. She cocked the gun.

"Get any closer and i'll shoot." She threatened, and he held his hands up.

"I don't mean any harm, sweetheart." Blade said, sarcasm in his voice, "but even if I did, I could easily just do this..."

Suddenly Blade lunged forward, catching Lola off guard, and he easily kicked the gun out of her hands, into the air, then caught it and tucked it into his belt.

"Now, I suggest both of you get in the ship before those creatures come searching for you." Blade smirked, then headed to a large circular ship, M-78 following.

Cade began to follow, but Lola stopped him and Blade looked back to them as he entered the ship.

"Where are you going?" Lola growled.

"I don't want to go to the labor camp..." Cade admitted shyly, and then proceeded to the ship.

Lola sighed, running after him, and the two hopped into the ship together.

"You made the right choice." M-78 nodded, sitting down in the captain's seat, Blade sitting smugly next to him.

"Whatever." Lola huffed, sitting on the cold, metal floor, gesturing for Cade to sit in the only available passenger chair.


With large burn marks on her skin, Dakota struggled to break free from the table she was strapped down to. The creatures had cleared the room after cooking her skin, which flaked off every now and then.

She used her bare foot to lure a sharp nail her way, and attempted to pick it up.

When she succeeded, she began to poke and stab at the thick ropes with the small nail, breaking each individual string at a time. Her burned skin crunched gruesomely as she moved.

The door slung open and a slob looking creature came into the room.

"Trying to escape, I see?" His voice was deep and intimidating.

Dakota reframed from responding, she only glared at the dirty creature with cold eyes.

"Well," The creature began as he picked up a knife, "im here to free you back into the camp. Finish your roles and then we'll figure out what to do with you."

He stabbed through the ropes holding her up, and when they gave way she fell to the ground, her weak burnt skin ripping at the pressure.

He took her by the arm and led her out the room into the labor camp, Taselway, and threw her toward a machine.

"Get to work, slave." The monster smirked, whipping her in the side with a long braided leather rope.

The Rebellion

"We're here!" M-78 cheered, curving the ship into a open walled building.

The ship hovered over the ground for a few moment before dropping into a landing pad, and the engine turned off. The door slid open, and Blade picked up his large backpack and slung it over his shoulder, he headed out the door, then stopped, waiting for the others.

"What is this place?" Cade asked, fascinated with his surroundings.

"This is the Rebellion." Blade explained as Lola stepped out, and Blade eyed her, "don't try anything." He glared at her and she glared back.

"Anyways, come on. You two have some interviews to attend to." Blade explained aloofly as he led them through the building, several humans eyed them strangely, Lola ignored them and continued following, yet Cade seemed to wither under their stares.

RebellionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant