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– S C O R P I O N –

"Scorpion, the—the woman that was here... she—"

"I know." I interrupted calmly.

I was well aware that the emperor's daughter had unwittingly stumbled into me--her greatest threat. My scout looked at me in confusion.

"Then, do you not want us to act on it?" He said unsure.

I didn't respond. I was distracted... I had been all day. I twirled a dagger on one of the arms of my throne and watched nothing but the light glint off the blade. Sort of like how it shone from her hair.

"Not yet." I finally responded. I lifted my eyes to see him bow his head and scuttle back to a screen in the long room.

But what was I to do? Kill her and be done with it? That would probably ensure a war if it hadn't already begun... Do I steal her away and demand that he beg for forgiveness and never lay a finger on my people again? But how long would that last... He'd just stab me in the back as soon as she was returned.

I groaned and sank deeper into the chair.

But of course I wasn't allowed solitude for very long. I noticed a pair of impeccable boots stood in front of me and I didn't have to look up to know who it was.

"Proximo." I said curtly.

"Scorpion." He returned with a small smirk. "It has no doubt come to your attention that the very girl you had me escort is the Emperor's daughter, therefore I wish to know why you didn't have me imprison her rather than free her." He said as if he were discussing the weather.

I chuckled quietly.

I couldn't give him a sane reason even if I wanted to. Why did I? I had the emperor by the balls if she was in my possession. Then an idea flashed before me.

"What do you think would be more painful, Proximo?" I asked quietly. "Having your daughter taken by force? Or having your daughter at the enemy's side by choice?" I watched him as I said this.

His smirk faded and he looked at me intently.

"The latter of course. But how could you achieve such a thing?" He asked with true curiosity shining in his analytical eyes.

"Something tells me that she didn't run all the way out to Sector 48 for a drink..." I murmured. "I think she wants a taste of the Underworld, my friend." I smiled wickedly at him as I spoke. "And if that's her desire, then who better to accommodate than the queen of the Underworld?"

His eyes held the same realisation as mine. The wheels of his mind turning as he understood that getting to the emperor's weakness might not be so hard after all...

All I had to do was bring her back.

"Look sharp, Proximo. We're paying Sector 1 a visit tonight." I said, grinning at him.

The glint in his eyes told me that he was already steps ahead.

"Consider it done."

– M A K A Y L A –

"I'm afraid you no longer have a choice, Miss Xavier." Matty told me sheepishly.

I stared at her blankly. There was no getting around it. I was being forced to attend tonight's hideous event. Dress nicely, smile, socialise to the same mundane pompous morons--

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