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"You'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet."

- Foster the People

– K U Z O –

Sector 49 was roaring tonight.

Crowds packed the dark club. Neon blues and purples lit the tables and floor rims. My girls danced slowly on hover pads above the chaos and credits flew invisible through the air. I could practically feel the profit filling the place. The bass was heavy and the beat electric. 

"Make sure the VIPs have their own servers and the regulars a glass in hand." I ordered Mez before she dropped a flowing red-haired nod and commed her ear to relay the instruction.

I caught Tanner grab a drunk by the neck with a thick arm and throw him into the wall. I had given clearance to all my bouncers not to negotiate with trouble tonight. We needed to keep the party alive.


I paused my stride towards the trouble and stopped between the flow of people to listen.

"What is it?" I demanded. "This channel should be kept clear–"

"That rebel–the one with the face tatts he's here."

I froze and my eyes swept the crowds instinctively. I quickly flicked my head at a  serving girl and she swiftly dodged cloaks and dancers to hand me a glowing glass of Junak–cheap shit but that was the point. I downed it back. Then pressed my hand to my ear.

"You better not have let a bunch of his rebel fucktards into my club on opening night." I snarled at Gavki.

"We couldn't do shit–they were armed like–"

"I will fucking show you what armed is if you start arguing with me, Gavki. Now shut the fuck up and tell me where they are." I snapped over the heavy beat of the music.

I nodded and threw quick smiles at some regulars who slapped me on the shoulder as they passed. I'd be damned if that rebel wannabe ruined opening in 49. It wasn't too late to call in a favour from Proximo for that security detail... But then again, Division 52 had their own problems recently–

"VIP room 7, you got girls in there they can give you–"

"Terminate comm, Gavki. Lock out." I demanded into the link.

"Gavki, Romanov lock from comm channel confirmed." A cheerful voice informed.

I necked the rest of the drink and left it on a table.

I commed my dancers on the open channel.

"Ladies, I need eyes on VIP room 7. Clear the channel unless you're in."

Instantly a video feed was sent directly to my holo in my right eye. I saw what she saw and it wasn't good. I knocked shoulders with various dancers as I made my way into the back room. Vaguely aware of two guards that dropped me a nod and flashed a pass at the door. The glass hissed open and I was inside my office.

"Secure room." I called.

The glass clouded rapidly around me and the room sealed the outside sound. The only evidence of a rave feet away were the blue and purple lights that bled into the room.

"What the hell are you up to Hades..." I growled as I watched my dancers give him a one over as he slouched back in seat with his men. He seemed uninterested. But his guards were lost to her skills in the game.

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