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– S C O R P I O N –

We were minutes from home by nightfall.

The air was crisp and didn't have the usual noise level for Sector 48. It was as if the people knew that conflict and war was on the horizon. I sighed deeply. Because now I would have to face Makayla.

Was it anger that would greet me this time? Distrust? Or maybe even just disappointment. God, I doubt I could handle that after everything today...

"Hate to intrude on your deep contemplation, Scorpion. But I believe I will take the evening for myself from here." Proximo said smoothly from beside me as we strolled through the underground network close to my home.

I waved a hand in his general direction. "Of course. You have thoroughly earned it." I commented.

He snorted. "And I hope your evening is just as... relaxing." He said with a wicked glint in his eye.

"Shouldn't you be at the Crypt by now?" I snapped halfheartedly.

He only grinned in response and drew his hood lower before sauntering off into the shadows. Even Proximo knew what would await me. I groaned as I continued my stride with the rest of my personal guard.

The doors to my home were opened and I was striding towards my bedroom in seconds. When I drew the door open however, she was nowhere to be seen. My heart dropped as I jumped through possibilities of her not coming back. I checked the bathroom, the spare rooms and even the grand hall where I usually occupy a throne. But nothing.

There was one more possibility however.

I rushed over to the lift and punched the door button closed. With the flash of my holo-screen I was flying downwards. It chimed happily letting me know I was on the training floor level. It was late now, so no one walked the halls.

I emerged on to the balcony and cast my gaze across the cavernous room. A puff of air left me in relief when I finally saw her. She was focused intently on hitting a heavy bag. Not much thought went into how the punches landed but it seemed like it was mainly just so she could hit something.

I approached with silent steps.

It wasn't until I stood on the other side of the bag that she noticed me. Her eyes widened and she miss threw a jab. I chuckled. She glared.

The standoff lasted a few seconds before I broke it.

"I'm alive." I commented.

"How fortunate." She said, dripping sarcasm.

"I probably deserve that."

"Probably?" Makayla repeated incredulously. "I tell you that my father is working with Hades and then I hear an explosion and don't get any form of communication from you until now and you think you probably deserve me giving you attitude!" She panted from the effort and her workout now.


She lost what was left of her patience and went to hit me. I dodged it with half a thought. Wait--no that's not how this should go.

"Sorry. I deserve that go again." I said seriously.

She glared death at me. "You're unbelievable."

"Makayla, you can hardly blame me when I've been trained in—"

"Not that!" She shouted.

I snapped my mouth shut for once. She strode up to me and shoved me hard. "The fact that you are always disappearing without a word—" another shove, "—the fact that you don't seem to give a shit whether you live or die—", she tried to push me again but I caught both of her hands and met her eyes. She was in no mood for it however.

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