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– M A K A Y L A –

"Alex!" I called from the top of the stairs.

Finally she had decided to reappear after vanishing all day. Her appearance however, was completely alien. Her eyes were underlined and coated in black, her face was bloodied and a dark cloak sat over her head.

I paused at the top and saw her eyes find my own. She smirked at me like she'd been waiting all day for this moment.

She took the stairs two at a time and left her guards behind. If I wasn't so insanely taken by this woman I would probably run in the opposite direction. She looked truly terrifying. It was as if she had just endured a war...

"Makayla, you are a sight for sore eyes I must say." She said as she stopped a step below me. I moved my hand to trace over her cheek. She smiled, expecting me to simply hold her face but I swiped at the black powder below her eyes and held it before her with a raised eyebrow.

"Needed a makeover?" I asked.

"Of sorts." She said wryly.

"The blood?" I frowned.

"Someone else needed a makeover." She shrugged.

I shook my head and flicked her head. She grinned back at me. "You see, one of the reasons I..." she paused, contemplating her words with a smug look, "—am so fond of your presence is your ability to take strange things in stride." She finished as she folded her arms and lent back against the bannister.

I lost my frown and stepped down to her level. Her smile grew when I moved to place both my hands on the bannister each side of her.

"And one of the reasons I am fond of you, is your constant ability to surprise me, Alex." I murmured as I closed the space to an inch before her face.

Her golden eyes darted between mine. The black around them only made them more prominent. She moved to close the distance but I pressed a hand to her lips to stop her.

"Where have you been?" I said seriously.

She averted her eyes briefly.

"And don't give me a half answer." I added quickly.

She smiled, "But you always come up with the best second half of the answer."

I rolled my eyes. "Enough, Alex."

She drew her brows together and brushed a few blonde locks from my face. My skin heated beneath her fingers but I refused to get distracted.

"Proximo and I have been discussing how best to proceed with the current tensions between rebels and your father." She stated.

I stilled and waited for more. She sighed and nodded her head in the direction of her room. I nodded and grabbed her hand, leading us towards it.

I walked through the door and plunked myself down in the centre of her colossal bed. She closed the door slowly and turned to me. She chuckled when she took in my placement.

Instead of joining me she propped herself against the door and flicked her hand in the air.

"Ask away, your imperial highness." She drawled.

DIVISION 52 - BOOK IWhere stories live. Discover now