chapter 1

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Emily lovingly leafed through her wedding albums. She looked at each picture and remembered every details of it. For her it was the most beautiful day of her life. Her wedding was very beautiful. Thanks to her family and friends.

But most of all she remembered the excitement, the happiness and the joy that she felt on that day.  Happiness permeates the air on that momentous day.

The minute she got into her wedding dress she couldn't wait to walk down the aisle to meet the love of her life. She remembered too that there were moments during the wedding preparations that she was afraid that the wedding will not push through. Questions like What if he changed his mind? What if he suddenly favored the beautiful wedding planner? But of course her fears were unfounded.

This coming June they will be celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary. She's excited and proud that they were able to last that long. For some marriages three years is a long time and it seems that the norms of today's marriage will last only for three years.

She wondered if her husband would take the time to surprise her. She would definitely chose to celebrate it just the two of them.  She had already contacted her mother to take care of the children whatever the plans will be for their fifth anniversary.

She is definitely very excited. Her love for her family were her top priority so when she said I do she willingly sacrificed her carrier life and took on full responsibility in raising their children and of taking care of her husband. Not only because nannies are hard to come by and housekeepers are expensive to keep.

Looking at the wall clock  she noticed that it was time for her to check the hotels in the area for her friends to stay during their visit.

She offered their house but they don't want to impose so they just asked her to look for a suitable hotel or an inn that is not only cheaper but with good ambiance as well.  It wasn't an easy task but she's willing to do her part and to make the necessary reservations.

Leaving the kids with her trusted neighbor and appointed nanny at all times whenever necessary she gets to change.

And with a dab of lip gloss and face powder she gave last-minute instructions to the nanny and leave the house.

Her car was parked in their garage since she don't use it often. Her husband usually parked outside of the garage.

And as it was his car isn't outside he said he had to make a last-minute preparation so he is at work for the whole day.  Which was not a convenient day for her.  She wants him with her as she is going to wrestle favors from hotel managers.

Her car a seven-year-old sedan is a reminder of her first paycheck and working as a teacher before her marriage. 

Checking her rearview mirror she slowly went out of the garage and sped down the road going out of the gated subdivision they lived on and onto the busy street of the town.

She went to inquire the nearby inns but their prices were not in the range of budget for her friends but the view and the ambiance would surely be favored. So she opted to scout a little farther away but still within the town proper. She checked her possible lists of inns and hotels. Deciding that the buffalo hotel is along her route she went to check it out.

Once inside the compound she noticed a lot of parked cars but she was able to locate a parking space that is located towards the back of the office.

She went inside the office to inquire. The Buffalo inn had an L-shaped building where one can easily looked around to see the in and out of the occupants. She noticed a family of five that checked out. Judging from their behavior they seemed to have a tiresome but happy vacation.

She smiled to herself and quite frankly assumed that the same look would be realized on the faces of her friends when they finally come to visit.  Tired but happy.

Once she located the office she elegantly went in. Gathering all her charms she approached the proprietor to dazzle him with her smile just to get a little percentage off of the actual price. If she still has the power to dazzle.

After wrestling for a while with the inn owner about the price and booking the rooms she went out.
"That wasn't difficult". She smiled to herself. Feeling elated that at least her charms are still at work.  Reaching for her car key she went in the direction of her car. 

She once again looked around her and noticed students coming out in one of the rooms. With their attire she assumed they must be getting ready for some serious theses defense or preparatory exams.

Then she also noticed another couple that was also checking out. Their heads are bent together talking and laughing for some private joke. The girl lovingly loops her arms around his waist. The man was wearing a dark hood making his face obscured from her view.

However there is something familiar with him so she continued to watch them.  Then he bent down to give the girl another kiss. What a lucky girl as he settled her down on the passenger's seat.

A smile was on her lips as she assumed the guy to be Edward. Her husband's  brother judging from his height and build and his companion must be his girlfriend.

But then he removed the hood as he settled down in the driver's seat and her smile was frozen as she realized that the man who was so passionate with the golden woman was her husband.

"No,  no,  no. It wouldn't be him. He said he would be in school doing the stage for the incoming foundation day. "

"He wouldn't cheat on me!" was the last thought she had on her mind as blackness envelope her. 

"Miss are you all right? Jesus, don't collapse on me OK?" One of the staff of the inn said as he catches her.

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